Trump wants tips tax free, Harris steals the idea, California Dems say Hell NO!

Good day all. A few weeks ago, President Trump remarked that he wanted tips and gratuities to be tax free. Comrade Kamala Harris saw how popular the idea is among servers that she stole it and claimed it as her own. (No one bought that but the MSM)

In the People’s Democratic Republic of Kalifornistan, the Republicans in the state legislature decided to put up a bill making tips and gratuities tax exempt in the state. It seems that the Democrats decided that taking money from working people is to important and shot down the idea. Here are the details from Fox News:

California’s Democratic-controlled legislature axed a Republican proposal that would have exempted tipped-income from state income taxes, striking down a policy proposal similar to ones endorsed by Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.

Hmm, I see Paul RINO Ryan’s fine hand in that sentence. It sounds like the Marxist hooker came up with the idea, not the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. (Ryan is currently on the Board for Fox)

“It is deeply disappointing that the legislature chose not to consider a proposal that could have provided much-needed relief to California’s workers,” Republican State Sen. Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, who introduced the measure, said in a press release after it was defeated.

Does it really surprise you Senator Ochoa? The Democrats are the new Communists and as far as they are concerned, any money you make is the property of the state and it’s rulers, the Democrat Party. The bill was voted down along party lines with no discussion or debate.

“With Californians facing one of the highest costs of living in the nation, our service and hospitality industry employees are particularly burdened by a tax system that leaves them struggling to make ends meet,” Ochoa Bogh said. “They deserve better, and today’s decision is a missed opportunity to support those who need it most.”

It’s even better. While Kackling Kamala the Marxist Hooker stole the idea of make tips tax exempt from President Trump, she did say she wanted to see it put into place. She was lying of course, but it was still out there. The Kalifornistan Democrats just threw her under the bus. With luck, the Republicans can use this against here.

Kamala Harris stole President Trump’s plan to make Tips for service workers tax exempt. When the California legislature was given the chance to pass a bill doing just this, and make their candidate look good, the chose to vote it down with no debate. Kamala Harris couldn’t even get the Democrats in California to do the right thing. What makes you think she will fix any of the problems now faxing America, caused by Harris and Biden. Vote Donald Trump for President in November.”

Ok, I’m not an ad copy writer, but you get the idea. In any case, the Kalifornistan Republicans are hammering away at the Democrats for not even debating the idea before shooting it down.

“The negligence involved in a refusal to even debate a policy issue of this magnitude cannot be overstated,” Republican Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones said in the release. “Legislative Democrats knew they were on the wrong side of this important issue, so they chose to sweep it under the rug rather than do the right thing for working Californians. The push to eliminate the federal tip tax has made its way to the campaign stage for both major party’s this year, yet California Democrat politicians don’t believe it be even worthy to discuss at the state level for residents here.” 

California, or Kalifornistan as I call it, is a failed state. They are losing population and the people leaving are the most productive members of California population. What’s left are people who are money suckers, (Welfare), illegal aliens and the ultra rich who can afford to hide out in their gated communities and virtue signal. However, as the tax base contracts, look for taxes in Kalifornistan to continue to escalate. They’ve entered a vicious cycle that will only end when the last people leave the state and turn out the lights.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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