Say hello to President Jill (Call me Doctor Damn It!) Biden

Good day all.Once again, events outran my ability to post and this has been sitting in my queue.

It’s been obvious that Joe, “Tapioca Pudding Brain” Biden is mentally incompetent. The question is, who has actually been running things? Dementia Joe has said he has been letting Comrade Kamala handle things, which would explain a lot of the mess we currently face.

However, it’s come to the attention of many that Harris isn’t doing anything and that Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden is the one calling the shots. Here are some details from the Washington Examiner:

This week’s White House Report Card focuses on the latest evidence that first lady Jill Biden is, and long has been, the power in the West Wing.

On Friday, the White House wasn’t hiding it. At a rare Cabinet meeting, the president handed over the leadership to the first lady, sitting at the head of the table, her prepared notes in front of her. According to the New York Post, Jill Biden “read from a binder about maternal health initiatives for four-and-a-half minutes after her husband spoke for just two minutes off the top of the meeting.”

Said President Joe Biden in introducing his wife, “It’s all yours, kid.”

A small aside here, Dementia Joe has known Jill since she was at least 15 and he was significantly older. (Damn pedo) To continue…

Later, she also hosted a Rose Garden event without her husband, who has faded into the background since being pushed out of his reelection campaign by Democratic Party elites who preferred Vice President Kamala Harris in the race.

That’s a laugh. They don’t “Prefer” the Communist Blow Job specialist, they’re stuck with her. To be perfectly honest, if they had someone who was a lot more intelligent and could speak in complete sentences, Kackling Kamala would have been thrown aside even faster then Dementia Joe was. Switching to a New York Post article I found on this apparent illegal usurpation of the presidency by someone who is not, in any way shape or form, in the line of succession

Jill dominated her husband’s first Cabinet meeting since October 2023 — taking over after brief introductory remarks by the sitting president, who spent much of his two-minute intro speaking about her.

Before I begin this Cabinet meeting, I want to discuss very briefly the need for Congress to pass a continued resolution. It’s critical, we have 10 days for Congress to pass a short term funding bill,” said Joe Biden, 81.

We have four months left in the administration, and we’re going to keep running through the tape because the vice president and I are determined to keep making sure that democracy delivers what the American people are asking for,” added Biden, who has taken extensive vacation time in the final stretch of his term.

What the American people are asking for? Oh that’s a laugh. Of course, Biden is senile and doesn’t have a clue what is going on. To begin with, the United States is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. If you don’t know what that means, here is a link to get you started on your education.

Biden continued reading from his prepared notes. (You don’t think he cooked this up on his own do you?

We’re grateful that Jill is here today — I heard that clapping, it wasn’t for me,” he went on. “Across previous administrations, first ladies have attended these meetings for specific reasons. This is the first time Jill has joined us, and it goes to show how important the issue is, which she is about to speak to.”

It’s all yours, kid,” the 46th president signed off.

There is no reason for a First Lady to be in a cabinet meeting. A cabinet meeting is held so that you can report to the President and receive instructions. You also will have the various Secretaries speaking to each other, theoretically to avoid duplication of effort or two agencies doing something in direct opposition to the other. The only reason for Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden to be there is that she’s the one running the maladministration, ala Edith Wilson. She was one of the reasons for the 25th Amendment.

Attendees were given folders of notes whose covers were emblazoned with both Joe and Jill Biden’s signatures — drawing online ridicule.

Wow. A visibly exhausted Joe Biden just held a full Cabinet meeting for the first time in 11 months and immediately turned the mic over to his wife,” tweeted Steve Cortes, an ex-adviser to former President Donald Trump.

Who is running the country?”

Jill Biden, widely regarded as the most powerful first lady in over a century, has held strong sway in the West Wing, especially before other national Democrats forced the president to relinquish the party’s nomination on July 21 over concerns about his mental acuity, resulting in Vice President Kamala Harris’ sudden substitution at the top of the Democratic ticket.

She’s also the reason Dementia Joe hasn’t been removed from office under then 25th Amendment. I suspect she’s also the reason he ran in 2020. She knew even then he wasn’t competent and that she, along with a few close associates, could take charge and be the true power behind the Resolute Desk. When Dementia Joe finally imploded on national television, she was right there threatening anyone who even considered removing him from the ticket.

Jill Biden is considered by insiders to be the most influential first lady since Edith Wilson, who tightly controlled access to her husband, President Woodrow Wilson, after he suffered a debilitating stroke in October 1919.

Jill Biden is also another Felonia von Pantsuit, just without the body count.

Her tenure hasn’t been without controversy — drawing outrage from White House aides for tolerating alleged bullying and sexual harassment from her top aide Anthony Bernal, whom she calls her “work husband.”

If you want to know why the United States has collapsed so fast, one of the reasons, (Although not the only reason), is Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It! Biden. She is just another power mad shrewish Karen who thinks she’s the smartest person in the room.

I think that, provided things go as we all hope in November, we’re going to need to revisit the 25th Amendment. I’m not sure how it will need to be modified, but it’s obvious that it failed as currently written. Joe Biden should have been removed from office as mentally incompetent years ago. I suspect that the only good thing about this situation is that Jill Biden has no access to the nuclear football. We are going to need a serious, and very quiet and subtle, investigation of the entire Biden Maladministration and Jill Biden’s actions.


In the last couple of weeks, it looks like Dementia Joe’s meds have been changed. He’s now actively knifing Kamala Harris in the back and actively undermining her campaign. (Not that she needs all that much help in torpedoing herself) I wonder how much of this is due to Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It! Biden?)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Say hello to President Jill (Call me Doctor Damn It!) Biden

  1. An Old Country Doctor says:

    dear Angry:

    Please correct the comment about how long JRB knew DR Jill before they married.

    she was actually in her twenties and already had one divorce under her belt at the time.

    I do so hate to break a good meme!


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