President Trump sets the trolling level to 11

Good day all. Recently, Kackling Kamala Harris decided to say that she once worked at McDonald’s. This was an attempt by her to show that she was “Middle class.” To date, there has been no proof offered or found to back up her claim.

This claim by Harris caught the attention of the Master Troller, President Donald Trump. He has announced that he’s going to take a job at McDonald’s. Here are the details from Philidephia Inquirer:

Former President Donald Trump will make an unusual stop in the Philadelphia area this weekend: to work behind the counter at a McDonald’s.

Trump will visit the state for a third time this week on Sunday, October 20th, to “work the fry cooker” as part of an effort to tamp down on his Democratic opponent Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign message about working at McDonald’s while in college, according to a source familiar with the matter.

President Trump has always been a master troller and when someone like Harris serves up something that is either easily disproven or can’t be validated, he will spike it like a deflated volley ball. He also has a history going back decades of getting his hand dirty on his construction projects as do his children who work in his business. (I think I read somewhere that Donald Trump Jr. knows how to operate some heavy equipment)

The former president will make the stop at a McDonald’s in the Philadelphia area, the source said, but the exact location is still unclear.

That isn’t surprising. The Secret Service will have to vet the venue, especially with the two attempts on President Trump’s life. (The recent incident in Kalifornistan has fallen into the memory hole since the person involved appears to have notified police that he had firearms locked in his car and didn’t want to cause a misunderstanding. He’s currently out of jail so the Feds don’t think he was a threat to President Trump)

Trump has continuously claimed that Harris never worked at the fast-food chain, without evidence. He told a campaign crowd in Indiana, Pennsylvania last month that he wanted to work as a fry cook to “see how it is.” CNN first reported Tuesday that Trump would make good on that promise this weekend.

One thing about President Trump. He doesn’t just “Talk the talk,” he will “Walk the walk” whenever possible. Harris, like most Elitists, just lies about her past, trying to look good to people she actually holds in utter contempt.


It will be very interesting, and probably quite fun to see President Trump working the McDonald’s Fryolater. I won’t be at all surprised if he doesn’t put on the McDonald’s hat and takes a few orders from customers. I doubt he will just ask “Would you like fries with your order?” Know how President Trump operates, he’s like to to add a few things to the question.

“Would you like fries with your order? They are wonderful fries. The best fries ever! In fact, these fries are so great that you will never want any other fries!”

Of course, there will be memes about this once some pictures are released. The Democrats will try, and fail, with their usual attempts to meme. You will see the Pro-Trump side also coming up with some and I suspect they will be hilarious. One big difference between Liberals and the rest of the human race is that Liberals have no sense of humor at all while President Trump and Republicans in general can and do laugh at themselves.

Look to the Harris debacle campaign to try and use President Trump’s temp job at McDonald’s against him. They will fail, as usual. Instead, President Trump will simply make a joke about adding the experience to his resume. Real Estate developer, TV personality, President of the United States 2017-2021, McDonald’s, President of the United States. 2025-2029


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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