EPA states, “Do as we say, not as we do!”

Good day all. As you probably know by now, The Environmental Protection Agency managed to cause a massive toxic spill into a river in Colorado. They did this by breaking open an earthen plug in an old mine and letting millions of gallons of polluted water flow into the river.


The EPA had been warned about this site and that their plans wouldn’t work. They, being the all powerful and omnipotent Government Agency, ignored the warnings and pleas from people in the area. The results were about what you expected. Here are some of the details from The New York Times:

The Animas River is the cultural soul of this patch of southwestern Colorado, a sort of moving Main Street that hosts multiple floating parades a year and is typically bustling with rafters and kayakers. Schoolchildren study the river. Sweethearts marry on its banks. Its former name, given by Spaniards, is el Río de las Ánimas, the River of Souls.

Not any more thanks to the EPA.

But since Wednesday, the Animas has been grievously polluted with toxic water spilled from one of the many abandoned mines that pockmark the region — a spill for which the Environmental Protection Agency has claimed responsibility, saying it accidentally breached a store of chemical-laced water.

Oh I like that. The EPA “Claimed” responsibility. Isn’t that what terrorists do when the murder people? Oh, and the EPA sort of underestimated just how much polluted water they dumped into the Animas byt a small amount.

On Sunday, anger over the spill boiled over after the agency announced that the amount of toxic water released was three times what was previously stated — more than three million gallons rather than one million — and that officials were still unsure if there was a health threat to humans or animals.


Unsure? Allow me to provide a possible answer. Yes you morons, it is a threat. This was an old gold mine and was loaded with all sorts of crap used to get the gold out of the ground. Back when that mine was running, they weren’t to concerned about the environment and just dumped stuff everywhere. Morons.

Soon after the spill was detected, city officials stopped pumping water from the Animas into the reservoir that provides drinking water for Durango’s 17,000 residents — taking action swiftly enough that the contamination did not reach the drinking supply. The reservoir still receives water from the Florida River, a tributary of the Animas, but the city has asked local residents to conserve so that the reservoir does not get too low.

I believe this river feeds into the Colorado river, which is a major source of drinking and irrigation water for a fair chunk of the country too.

Most people living outside the city use wells, and officials say about 1,000 residential water wells could be contaminated.


The river is closed indefinitely, and the county sheriff has hastily recast his campaign signs into posters warning river visitors to stay out of the water. The yellow plume has traveled down to New Mexico — where officials in several municipalities have stopped pumping river water into drinking water systems, fearing contamination — and to the Navajo Nation.

And to say the Navajo are on the warpath would be an understatement. They aren’t alone in wanting a few EPA scalps either. In an article from the Denver Post:

The attorneys general of Colorado, New Mexico and Utah said Wednesday that a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency is an option in the wake of a massive mine wastewater spill caused by the agency. All three, however, agreed that it’s too early to say if they will sue.

Why? The EPA sues everyone at the drop of a hat.

“I would hope that it would not be necessary,” Colorado’s Cynthia Coffman, a Republican, said of a suit in an interview with The Denver Post. “The statements by the (EPA’s administrator) indicate the EPA is accepting responsibility for the accident. The question is: What does that mean? What does accepting responsibility mean?”

I can answer that it means “My bad. Lets do lunch sometime. Bye!”

Coffman met Wednesday with her counterparts from New Mexico, Democrat Hector Balderas, and Utah, Republican Sean Reyes, in Durango to discuss their options and any legal response to the catastrophe.

How about criminal charges against the morons who dreamed up this plan? Not to mention the idiots who were supposed to provide oversight to make sure all the “T’s” and “I”s” were crossed and dotted. Might I suggest a warrant for the arrest of Gina McCarthy?

The attorneys general meeting came as EPA chief Gina McCarthy visited Durango on Wednesday and is scheduled to appear in Farmington, N.M., on Thursday. “Some of (McCarthy’s statements) were not direct, were not transparent,” Coffman said.


Cynthia Coffman said a claims process set forth by the EPA this week is a start, but it remains to be seen if it will be enough. “I expect EPA to hold itself to the same standards that it would hold a state or local government if we had this type of incident and certainly a private corporation if they had this type of toxic discharge,” Coffman said.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

Oh that’s funny. Oh wait, you weren’t telling a joke? Listen, this is a major incident, and from I’ve seen in other stories, the EPA was warned not to do what they did to check the mine. As I understand it, it was strongly recommended that they sink a test bore behind the earthen plug to test the pressure behind it. Instead, these morons drove a backhoe up to the damn and started digging into it. Their idea was to clear away the dirt and pour concrete into it as a replacement.


As I’ve said before, the EPA is an out of control agency that is aiming for totalitarian control of all aspects of American life. The time has come to shut it down. It can’t be reformed, it can’t be overhauled. Thanks to the Tyrant Obama, they are working tirelessly to basically destroy America. Congress, do your job before the people of America decide to do it for you. We all know where that will lead and it’s not something I want to see happen.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to EPA states, “Do as we say, not as we do!”

  1. There is nothing I hate more then posting an entry that wasn’t quite finished. 🙁

    I’ve fixed and updated the entry


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