Kerry triples down on stupid

Good day all. John Forbes “Liveshot” Kerry can taste that Nobel Peace prize. In what passes for his mind, he will be forever known as the “Great Negotiator” for that disaster of a deal he and Der Fubar cooked up with Iran.


Kerry isn’t going to let a little thing like the United States Congress stand in his way. Advice and Consent? Are they kidding? As far as Kerry is concerned, those in Congress who oppose this fiasco are “Getting in the way of history!” So what is Kerry doing? Lying through his teeth mostly. Here are some details from Fox News:

Secretary of State John Kerry doubled down on the controversial Iran nuclear deal Tuesday, telling lawmakers that there was not a better deal available to negotiators and that since 2003 Iran has not pursued a nuclear bomb to the best of America’s knowledge.


Obviously, Kerry took a pretty bad blow to the head when he fell of his bike a month ago.

Speaking in a moderated discussion on the nuclear deal reached with Iran hosted by Thomson Reuters in New York, Kerry tried to counter Republican claims that a better deal can be reached. Kerry told the forum that President George W. Bush tried in 2003 and 2008 to get a better deal, but there “is not a better deal to be gotten.”

There’s a reason why Bush couldn’t get a deal. He wasn’t willing to outright surrender to all of Iran’s demands dumbass.

He went on to say that the argument for a better deal would entail the U.S. maintaining or increasing pressure on Iran by threatening foreign governments and businesses with penalties for doing business with Iran, an idea that Kerry slammed as far-fetched. “Are you kidding?” he said.


No moron we aren’t. In case you haven’t noticed, we have been in a technical state of war with Iran since 1979. No, we didn’t declare it, Iran did. But treating with the enemy is something you have lots of experience with.

Kerry asserted that European countries wouldn’t cooperate with U.S. sanctions, and would walk away from separate U.S.-led penalties against Russia if Congress kills the deal. He also claimed that the dollar would lose its status as the world’s reserve currency, and allies wouldn’t support U.S. military action against Iran.

Screw the rest of the world. You want to get the Europeans on board, it’s easy. Try some flat out threats. It works every time. Simply tell them, quietly, that we have had enough with their crap and tell them that the United States will pull out of NATO, create a new organization for the Eastern Europeans to protect them from the Russians, and then tell the Russians that we will defend our friends in Eastern Europe, but we won’t lift a finger to help the Western Europeans. (Except Britain) The Europeans have been a pain in our behinds since WW2. If it hadn’t been for Soviet Union, we would have told them to pound sand decades ago.


In any case, Kerry’s blatant lies regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions show just how desperate he is for that Peace Prize.

However, he said that since 2003, Iran has not pursued a weapon to the best knowledge of the U.S. and others. “They have not pursued a weapon to our best judgment and to the judgment of all our allies, they haven’t pursue a weapon, per se, since that period of time,” Kerry said.


If Iran wasn’t trying to get a nuke, they wouldn’t be running thousands of centrifuges and we wouldn’t have infected their control systems with the Stuxnet virus. There is no question that the Ayatollah’s are lying about not seeking nuclear weapons. Just like Adolph Hitler lied about not having any territorial designs on the rest of the world.

hilter salute

John Forbes Kerry wants to be remembered as the greatest statesman in history. What he will be remembered for is cooking up the worst deal since Chamberlain announced “Peace for our time!” I’m not equating Kerry with Neville Chamberlain. There is one big difference between Chamberlain and Kerry. Chamberlain’s goal was to avoid a war. Kerry’s is to get the Nobel prize. Once he has that, he doesn’t care when the Iranian’s nuke Israel.

nuclear blast


~The Angry Webmaster~

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