Joe Biden considers running for Clown in Chief

Good day all, As you know, Saint Hillary of the Cankles is in a small bit of trouble. Oh hell, she’s looking at serious prison time of there’s any justice left in this country. She has a couple of opponents in the Democrat party, with only one actually being reported on.

evil hillary2

Since Cankles is in the process of flaming out and could actually be facing arrest for her mail server, others have been called upon to run. To date, we have Comrade Bernie Sanders, (C-The Peoples Republic of Vermont), James Webb, (D-Virginia), and Lincoln Chaffee, (Who knows-Rhode Island) None of these people have a hope of winning the primaries, although Sanders has nailed down the Marxist wing of the party fairly well. Webb is the only one so far that has the slightest chance of winning the general election, but he has an anchor around his neck called Ronald Reagan. He worked as Secretary of the Navy under Reagan. In Democrat eyes, that makes him pure evil. Now the call has gone out to draft Vice President Joe, (Slow Joe), Biden.


Biden has run before, and had his head handed to him. While he is an excellent campaigner and very good at the back slapping needed for running for office, he also has another problem. He’s a total moron. This hasn’t stopped the Beltway Bandits from trying to get this ninny into the race. Here are some of the details from Politico:

If Vice President Joe Biden makes the leap into the Democratic presidential race, he could promise that he would serve just one term in the White House, journalist and author Carl Bernstein said Friday. “And one thing that I keep hearing about Biden is that if he were to declare and say, because age is such a problem for him if he does, I want to be a one-term president. I want to serve for four years, unite Washington. I’ve dealt with the Republicans in Congress all my public life,” Bernstein told CNN’s “New Day.”


Nice going stupid. You’ve made yourself an instant lame duck.

I think there’s a conversation going on to that effect among his aides and friends,” he said. “It could light fire to the current political environment.”

If his aides and friends weren’t sucking deeply on a crack pipe, they would know that Biden doesn’t have a chance against anyone competent on the Republican side. Like all members of the Political class, Biden has no clue what’s actually going on in the country.

Slow Joe Biden

The comments follow reports from The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times this week that cite Democratic allies playing up the credibility of a third Biden presidential run. (The former Delaware senator ran in 1988 and 2008.)

The WSJ story must have been written in jest. Biden has so much baggage that it would sink an aircraft carrier from the weight. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates once said That Biden has been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy and national security issue since he first took office. According to Politifact:

Washington reporters immediately latched on to Gates’ portrayal of Vice President Joe Biden. Biden, he said, is a nice guy — “simply impossible not to like” — but “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Ouch.

Joe Biden

Asked to back up his harsh words Jan. 13, 2014, on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition, Gates replied: “Frankly, I believe it. The vice president, when he was a senator — a very new senator — voted against the aid package for South Vietnam, and that was part of the deal when we pulled out of South Vietnam to try and help them survive. He said that when the Shah fell in Iran in 1979 that that was a step forward for progress toward human rights in Iran. He opposed virtually every element of President Reagan’s defense build-up. He voted against the B-1, the B-2, the MX and so on. He voted against the first Gulf War. So on a number of these major issues, I just frankly, over a long period of time, felt that he had been wrong.”


Oh, it gets worse. Do you recall this fellow by the name of Osama bin Laden? He was responsible for the 9/11 attack that destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon, killing 3000 people. When we cornered bin Laden in Afghanistan, Bush Jr. screwed up and bin Laden got away. We finally found him in Pakistan and in a great raid, sent in a SEAL team to kill the son of a bitch. Guess who was opposed to that raid?


Yes, it was Biden. In a report in the Huffington Post back in 2012:

Vice President Joe Biden says he advised against the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. In a speech delivered over the weekend at a Democratic congressional retreat, Biden recalled the moment when President Barack Obama asked his advisers for their opinions. “Every single person in that room hedged their bet except Leon Panetta. Leon said go. Everyone else said, 49, 51.”

“He got to me. He said, ‘Joe, what do you think?’ And I said, ‘You know, I didn’t know we had so many economists around the table.’ I said, ‘We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go. We have to do two more things to see if he’s there,'” said Biden, not elaborating on what more proof he needed to see.


If Biden thinks that this and all the other stupid moves he’s made won’t be brought up in a campaign, then he is even dumber then I thought. Yes, Cankles is in big trouble, Sanders doesn’t have a hope in Hell in the General Election, and Webb, who might actually win the General has a chance in the Primaries. Biden forgets that the only reason he was selected as VP was insurance. No one with any sense would move to Impeach Obama, let alone blow his head off since that would make “Slow Joe” Biden the president.

Slow Joe should just start working on his memoirs. I’m sure he could get Neal Kinnock to write them for Slow Joe. It won’t be the first time that Kinnock wrote for him. This time he might actually get paid for his work for Slow Joe.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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