The Stupid Criminal of the week, Deldrick Shykil Fowler!

Good day all. I saw this story last week and have just now started looking into it. Basically, we have yet another moron who thinks it’s a good idea to print their own money. This criminal mini-mind was passing his own $100 bills at a casino.

The Stupid

Just how stupid is Deldrick Shykil Fowler? He was printing the phony bills in his hotel room! Here are the details from the Daily Mail:

A Louisiana man has been sentenced to a year and a day in prison for making $100 counterfeit bills at a casino hotel. Deldrick Shykil Fowler, 22, of DeQuincy was sentenced on one count of counterfeiting obligations to the United States, U.S. Attorney Stephanie Finley said in a news release.


A year and a day is a sentence they give when they want a nice felony record for the convict. As I understand it, if you do less then a full year, it isn’t considered a full felony. That would mean you can buy a gun, run for office, basically you regain all your rights. So how did they catch this clown?

The U.S. Secret Service used surveillance equipment to observe Fowler on August 12, 2014 at the Isle of Capri Casino in Lake Charles producing the fake money in a hotel room, according to evidence presented at the April 30 guilty plea.


First off, using an inkjet or other type of office/home printer is not going to produce good quality counterfeit bills. The paper alone is a dead giveaway, not to mention little things like the little strip that runs inside each bill as a security check. (It’s woven into the paper when they make it) Second, if you are going to print counterfeit money, DON’T DO IT WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO PASS IT!


The Daily Mail posted a picture of this putz’s mug shot. It’s pretty obvious that the lights are on, but Mr. Brilliance has long since left the premises. Frankly, I’m surprised this clod has the intellect to actually tie his own shoes.

DV the Stupid is strong

Whatever happened to the people who would create their own plates and use a real printing press? The successful ones were true artists in their criminal work. Today’s class of criminals are just plain stupid. As to the year and a day? Whatever happened to the good old days when they used to execute counterfeiters? Ahh, those were the days. As to Mr. Fowler? I’ll let the Duke finish for me.

JW-Life's tough


~The Angry Webmaster~

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