ISIS ramping up their threats against Texas

ISIS must really hate Texas. They are making even more threats to attack the Lone Star State as well as their usual “Kill all the Christians, Jews and unbelievers” schtick.

I don’t know why they have such a hard on for Texas. It could be that their last attempt was so successfully unsuccessful. It seems they are doubling down on their threats. Here are some details from American News:

Following the attacks in Garland, TX, ISIS just released a statement that they intend to continue killing Christians in America, and that the next attack will “be harsher and worse.”

Really? The last one managed to injure one man, slightly and was ended by a traffic cop. An off duty traffic cop coming up on retirement.

We say to the defenders of the cross, the U.S., that future attacks are going to be harsher and worse…The Islamic State soldiers will inflict harm on you with the grace of Allah. The future is just around corner,” the terrorist group state on Al Bayan radio.

jahidi in texas

I think the Texans are more than ready for you goat shagging idiots. These aren’t the usual “Spray, Pray and run away” types you’ve been dealing with. Texans will stand and fight and they don’t do Spray and Pray trigger control. They take careful aim and squeeze off one shot. Ammo is expensive after all.

To All Texans. Lock and load! Weapons free! Open season, no limit on ISIS Jihad scum.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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