And the net is thrown over Glenn Beck

Good day all. Glenn Beck is a so called “Conservative” commentator with his own radio show and web presence. He’s also extremely religious. Recently, with the rise of Donald Trump, Beck has also gone completely bonkers.


I watched Beck a few times back when he was on Fox News with his own show. After a bit, I stopped watching him. He was a bit to preachy for my tastes and didn’t seem entirely…stable. (I should talk about stability?) He was a major backer of Senator Ted Cruz’s run for the GOP nomination, and when Cruz started losing to Trump, Beck lost what was left of his marbles. Last week during an on air interview with author Brad Thor, (Another Never Trumper), started talking about what appeared to be a call to kill Donald Trump. Now SiriusXM Radio has suspended Beck. Here are the details from Breitbart:

SiriusXM hosts Stephen K. Bannon and David Webb announced on Breitbart News Daily that SiriusXM has suspended Glenn Beck and Webb will temporarily take over Beck’s 9AM to noon Eastern time slot on SiriusXM’s Patriot Channel 125.


Here’s the statement from SiriusXM:

SiriusXM encourages a diversity of discourse and opinion on our talk programs. However, comments recently made by a guest on the independently produced Glenn Beck Program, in our judgement, may be reasonably construed by some to have been advocating harm against an individual currently running for office, which we cannot and will not condone. For that reason, we have suspended The Glenn Beck Program from our Patriot channel for the coming week and are evaluating its place in our lineup going forward. SiriusXM is committed to a spirited, robust, yet responsible political conversation and believes this action reflects those values.


Translation, “That idiot Beck shot his mouth off one to many times and appears to have crossed the line. Since we don’t particularly care to be rectally examined with an anal probe by the Secret Service, We’ve decided that Glenn Beck needs a little alone time with Dr. Thorazine.”

The suspension is in response to the interview Beck did with fiction author Brad Thor last Wednesday, in which Thor likened the GOP’s presumptive nominee Donald Trump to a South American-style dictator who would cause an “extinction-level event” for the country if elected. Thor then declared that in such a case, Congress would not be able to remove Trump from office by “legal means” through impeachment, so Thor asked “what patriot will step up and do that” if Trump oversteps his Constitutional restraints. Beck agreed with Thor’s assessment.


Yep, that sounds an awful lot like a threat to me. In fact, it sounds a lot like what King Henry II is reported to have asked when the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Beckett annoyed him. The most popular version was “Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?” Well, someone took that as an order and that was that for Thomas Beckett. As you would expect, Beck is trying to brush this off.

After receiving criticism for these comments from people who believed Thor and Beck were suggesting or at least implying assassination, Beck offered a lengthy defense of his statements. You can read the full transcript of his defense here.


And it looks like SiriusXM took that for what it was. Some loon trying to talk his way out of trouble. Beck recently knelt down and kissed Mark Zuckerberg’s ass when Zuckerberg held a meeting with conservatives over Facebook’s apparent censorship of them. Beck was roundly criticized for that. Now, his long fall from sanity has caught up with him. We shall see if he returns to the airwaves. Or perhaps I should say, you will. Me? I don’t waste my time listing to that nutcase.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to And the net is thrown over Glenn Beck

  1. bbuddha says:

    I too listened to him when he was on Fox. I listened to him very sporadically on the radio after that. And he seemed to really start slipping when he mentioned that he started taking ADHD meds. IMHO those things are dangerous. I don’t listen to him at all since the political season started and he lost his ever lovin mind over Trump.
    I was really sad to hear that Thor was the other half of that conversation. I’ve read a few of his books and enjoyed them. I suspect he’ll have to have a nice conversation with the secret service


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