Just how libertarian is Gary Johnson?

Good day all. Last week I poked a little fun at the Libertarian ticket. That ticket consists of former Republican New Mexico governor Gary Johnson and former Republican, (Of sorts), Massachusetts governor William Weld.


Neither one of them is what I would call liberty loving. Weld is a classic RINO and would have been more at home in the Democrat party. Gary Johnson, however, has really taken a dive into the shallow end, and smashed his head on the bottom. He announced that he agrees with about 73% of what Bernie Sanders says. Here are the details from the Washington Free Beacon:

Gov. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate for president, said that he agrees with 73 percent of what Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) says, citing that libertarians agree with socialism as long as it’s voluntary.

triple facepalm

The first thing you need to know about Socialism, is there is nothing voluntary about it. If you oppose it and don’t want to be a part of a socialist society, well they have nice gulags where you can be reeducated in your incorrect thinking. This all came about when Johnson was being interviewed on CSPAN, and caller, who sounded very well medicated suggested that Johnson sit down with Sanders and look into combining their efforts.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq3x71i1jF8′]

Now Libertarians are supposed to be big on liberty and freedom. Why would they even consider Comrade Bernie Sanders to have anything in common with them? Comrade Bernie’s ideas are currently under test in another country, so we can observe how that country is doing and use them as a baseline for Sanders ideas. Oh that country? That would be Venezuela, which is in the process of undergoing a total collapse thanks to Bernie Sanders socialist ideas.

man with head in the ground

Yes Bernie was not involved, but he fully supported Hugo Chavez way of doing things. Now that Venezuela has run out of other people’s money, and the shelves are empty, people are demanding the president’s head…on a pike. This is what Sanders wants to bring to America, and it looks like Gary Johnson and the Libertarian are fully on board with that idea. All of you GOP(e) Never Trump!(ers), may want to consider that if you vote for him over the GOP nominee, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump


~The Angry Webmaster~

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