Comrade Bernie on free speech. He’s against it

Good day all. A few weeks ago news came out on how the Democrat Attorney’s General of a number of states intended to go after the Oil Companies for denying Global Warming and Climate Change.

climatic earth

They intended to abuse the RICO statutes and their powers of subpena to basically destroy the energy sector. The energy companies fought back and hard and the AG’s were shown to be nothing more than stooges for the hard left environmental whackos.

Earth First

While the AG’s are beginning to back down, the Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrats are doubling down and continuing their demands that the Department of Justice investigate the energy companies. One of these moonbats making these demands is Comrade Bernie Sanders. As a Communist Socialist, he hates free enterprise, private business and free speech. Here are some details on his antics from the Washington Times:

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders joined three fellow Democrats in urging Attorney General Loretta Lynch to continue its inquiry into “the fossil fuel industry’s climate denial operation,” a day after Senate Republicans called on her to cease any such probe.

We write today to urge that you view the Republican Senators’ May 25 letter as Exhibit A among the reasons why the Department of Justice should take a full and honest look at possible fraud in the fossil fuel industry’s climate denial operation,” said the Thursday letter.


In addition to Mr. Sanders, the letter was signed by Democratic Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Jeff Merkley of Oregon.

Sheldon Whitehouse has called for criminal charges to be brought against anyone who questions the religion of Global Warming and Climate Change. Elizabeth Warren, better known as “Lie-a-Watha” is nothing more than a classic progressive elitist who thinks that people need to be ruled by people like her.


I don’t know anything about Merkley, but if he signed this letter, then he too is demonstrating his unfitness to hold any elected or appointed office. All three of these people are classic statists with a Fascistic bent of mind. As for their request? Of course Loretta Lynch handed this request to the FBI.

Ms. Lynch said at a Senate oversight hearing in March that she had referred information on what Mr. Whitehouse described as “the climate denial scheme” to the FBI.


Senate Republicans have slammed the effort as an attack on free speech and scientific inquiry.


In their letter, the Democrats argued that “fraud is not protected by the First Amendment,” drawing comparisons between the tobacco industry and oil-and-gas companies that have taken a skeptical view of catastrophic climate-change predictions.

And what fraud is this? The tobacco companies did intentionally cover up findings that smoking is bad for you, and actually tried to tell people that smoking was good for you. The Germans did a study back in the 1930’s that proved smoking was bad, but back then, Nazi’s so no one paid attention to it.

The problem with first Global Warming and now Climate Change, is that the science isn’t backing up the true believers. Since the science isn’t there, the PLFD’s such as Comrade Bernie Sanders will abuse their positions to punish anyone who disagrees with their religious beliefs. Sort of like ISIS.


It would be a sorry world in which corporations engaged in fraud could pull the screen of the First Amendment over any investigation of their fraud,” said the Democrats’ letter.


The template for the Department investigating this question, of course, is the Department’s own victory in its civil RICO lawsuit against the tobacco industry,” said the Democrats in their letter. “The Republican Senators’ letter reprises the tobacco lawsuit’s own early history of efforts from Congress to discourage or interfere with that lawsuit in order to protect the tobacco industry.”

And as I’ve already said, there is a major difference between what the tobacco companies did and what the energy companies are doing. From what I’ve read, the energy sector scientists used both the raw data on the climate along with generating their own data and came to the conclusions that global warming wasn’t happening and that the climate has been changing since the Earth developed an atmosphere.

Critics have rejected the comparison, arguing that there is far more scientific disagreement on the impact of increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere on the climate than there was on the link between smoking and major health problems.

Ahh, but according to the Church of Global Warming, 97 percent of scientists agree that human caused climate change is real. Any scientist who disagrees will be arrested and sent to a FEMA reeducation camp and until the agree with Al Gore.

Al-Gore Fire Breathing Dragon

Ms. Lynch said at the March 9 hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee that she had referred information to the FBI to determine “whether or not it meets the criteria for what we could take action on.”

And the quick answer is no, it doesn’t.

Justice Department spokesman Wyn Hornbuckle had no comment Friday on the dueling Senate letters or status of the inquiry.

We’re aware of the letters. We’ll decline to comment further,” Mr. Hornbuckle said in an email.

Translation: “What do you take me for, a moron? There is no way we’re getting involved in this mess if we can at all avoid it.”

Bernie Sanders is neck deep in this nonsense. I have no doubt that if elected, he would not only order the arrest of the CEO’s of the energy companies, he would seize and nationalize them, “For the working people” of course.


The Democrats, along with Comrade Bernie Sanders and Hillary “I did not have sex with that Mail server, Microsoft Windows” Clinton, are demonstrating what their goals are. A republican form of government and protection of the Constitution isn’t on that list.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Comrade Bernie on free speech. He’s against it

  1. VonZorch says:

    I’m thinking the energy companies should start bring suits for Malicious Prosecution, Prosecutorial Misconduct and under 42 U.S. Code § 1983 for deprivation of civil rights under color of law. Oh, and throw in conspiracy charges as well.


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