Clinton administration to legalize criminal aliens

Good day all. There’s a lot happening obviously. The Democrat National Convention continues with the nomination of Cankles Clinton. This will be affirmed by a unanimous vote of the Delegates. (So ordered by the DNC) Next will be the promise to legalize all illegal aliens.


This shouldn’t come as any surprise of course. Democrat Vice President Nominee Tim Kaine announced that they plan to legalize millions of criminals within the first 100 days. Here are some of the details from the Washington Times:

A new Clinton administration would pursue a bill to legalize illegal immigrants in “the first 100 days” of her tenure, vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine told Spanish-language network Telemundo in an interview Monday, presenting a deep contrast with Republicans.

Mr. Kaine also predicted that House Republicans, who stopped President Obama’s last bid for legalization in 2013, will reverse themselves next year and said House Speaker Paul D. Ryan will lead the GOP to embrace legalization.

A few things here. First, Ryan, thanks to his support for exactly what Kaine is promising, among other issues, is in a real fight for his seat and might lose his primary. The second problem is just how unpopular legalizing all the criminals, and that is what people who jump the border are, criminals, is with the general public.

People are already furious with criminal aliens, convicted of crimes, being released back into the United States instead of being deported. Of course, the Democrats and their RINO buddies simply don’t care.

Paul Ryan and the other leaders of his party are going to understand that if they want a future for their party they are going to have to work together to find a solution to this,” Mr. Kaine told “Noticias Telemundo,” according to a transcript provided by the network.

The solution is rounding these criminals up and shipping them back where they came from.

As Democrats kicked off their convention Monday, they repeatedly attacked GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for being a “bully,” particularly toward illegal immigrants, and said he would ruin the American experience for immigrants if he gets into the White House.

eye roll

Yes, Trump would ruin the experience for ILLEGAL ALIENS, but Trump, like most Americans not bent on national suicide, have no problem with people who come to the United States through lawful means.

Donald Trump

We have a problem with the illegals coming into the United States. They are bringing diseases we haven’t seen here in a century. We’re also seeing increases in crime directly attributable to criminal aliens, and to the “Sanctuary Cities” that release them back into our society instead of calling Immigration and handing them over for deportation.

The Democrats, along with the GOP(e), want more illegal immigration. They like open borders because it increases their personal bottom line. Next, we’re going to see a massive influx of Muslims claiming refugee status. We’re seeing the results of that in Europe right now. Elect Clinton and end the United States as a sovereign nation. We will be turned into just another Third World hellhole.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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