Clinton Paranoia now at MAXIMUM

Good day all. Over the last month, Wikileaks has been releasing the, well let’s be honest, stolen email from John Podesta. The contents of the emails have been embarrassing and explosive in their content.


There are serious indications of criminal activities in these emails, and, along with other things from organizations like Project Veritas, not to mention the Anthony Wiener/Huma Abedin laptop fiasco, Felonia von Pantsuit and her minions are in full paranoia mode.

With the election only two days away, they appear to be expecting something major to drop from Wikileaks and are out trying to convince people that anything bad that’s released is fake, (But accurate). Here are a few details on their scheme from the Business Insider:

A spokesperson for Hillary Clinton’s campaign said Sunday that if Wikileaks were to publish a bombshell email in the final two days of the election, it would likely not be authentic.

Friends, please remember that if you see a whopper of a Wikileaks in next two days – it’s probably a fake,” tweeted Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director for the Clinton campaign.


Here’s the problem with Palmieri’s tweet. Everything that Wikileaks has released to date has proven to be accurate with no manipulation of the data. This has me wondering, just what Wikileaks has that is so terrifying to the Clinton Campaign?

nothing to see here

We learned recently that Pederast Podesta has some very odd dietary preferences. We’ve also seen that the DNC actively worked to rig the primaries in favor of Felonia and that the current DNC chairman, Donna Brazile, was supplying the debate questions to the Clinton campaign. That resulted in her being “Invited to resign” (Fired for anyone else), from her CNN gig.

Whatever they suspect is coming, it’s got to be really bad. Perhaps proof of the Clinton’s criminal activities? Proof so solid that the FBI will follow up and confirm it? There has been a rumor since late last week that the FBI was going to do some massive raids “very soon” over what was found on Wiener’s laptop. I’ll believe that when I see the entire Clinton family hauled away in handcuffs. So what do you think will come out next? Leave a few notes in the comments section.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to Clinton Paranoia now at MAXIMUM

  1. The Deplorable VonZorch says:

    I have no idea what will come out. But whatever it is expect nothing to come of it. The fix is still in. At this I think Killery could kill and eat a toddler publicly, on camera, and still not be charged. Even though a ham sandwich could get an indictment on the evidence publicly available.

  2. FriarBob says:

    Well if Disqus wouldn’t be stupid and screw up their cookie settings it would be easier to comment. It looks like maybe something just got corrupted because it used to work and then it stopped for no discernible reason, then actually acted like my account was blocked and I just said forget it and stopped bothering to try… Had to clear all their cookies and then reset my password to get in. Oh well.

    Anyway I really expect this to be all smoke but no actual explosion. Not because there isn’t proof, but because I expect it to be suppressed. Probably because those who have the proof will “commit suicide” by shooting themselves in the back of the head Vince Foster style. Possibly by obfuscation and “fake” claims and other stuff. Etc.

    These monsters have no conscience and will do ANYTHING to get and keep power. And while I still think in an honest election Trump would pull it out (probably with 100+ EVs to spare) I’ve lost my previous confidence we’ll actually HAVE an honest election. Hope I’m wrong. There’s plenty of reason to think that I might be, the panic and bluster and nonsense is getting so obscene that they have to be worried they haven’t prepared enough fraud to steal it for her. Hopefully they haven’t. I guess we’ll see in a few days.

    • bbuddha says:

      Pretty much sums up where I am. I’m hoping that the naked desperation means that Trump is poised to overcome the fraud. I’d say that maybe they realize that stealing this particular election would be catastrophic but they live in an echo chamber surrounded by sycophants and seem constantly surprised when confronted by reality

    • Aaaaannnddd.. Trump won. 🙂

      I should have come back to this just after Felonia’s crushing defeat, but I was to busy celebrating.


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