The final weekend of Electioneering

Good day all. This is the final weekend before the 2016 presidential election. This could be argued to be the most important election in decades.


On the one hand we have Donald Trump. He came out of nowhere and clubbed the RINO’s and GOP(e) like a baby seal, and took the nomination from the Republican Establishment’s preferred spineless squishes, Jeb! Bush and Marco Rubio.


The Democrats, being Democrats, basically rigged their primary system and crushed their insurgent candidate, Comrade Bernie Sanders in favor of the most corrupt, possibly evil candidate in the history of American politics, Hillary Clinton, aka Felonia von Pantsuit.


There is already discussions on her possible impeachment if she should win, and make no mistake about it, Felonia, due to the multiple criminal investigations she is under, will be an instant Constitutional Crises if she wins.


Saying all that, I will repeat that Anger Central endorses Donald Trump for President of the United States of America. We all believe that, while he may not be the best choice, compared to Al Capone in a pantsuit, he is far and away the best person for the job. We here at Anger Central actually believe he would be far better than all the choices presented by the GOP(e), and who were quickly shone the door. In keeping with our endorsement, here is the final ad from the Trump for President committee:

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Tuesday, go out an vote for the Donald Trump of your choice. It is your duty as a citizen of this nation.

Donald Trump


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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