Obama’s final insult to Israel

Good day all. For the last week or so, the world has been dealing with Barack Obama’s last insult to the nation of Israel and it’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

What happened last week was the usual garbage put up by the Arab nations regarding Israel’s building settlements on the West Bank, among other places. I won’t bother going into the issues here. Basically, Israel won and it’s their property now. However, Obama and that blithering idiot, John Kerry, disagree. A resolution was put forward, and instead of issuing our normal veto, Obama instructed UN Ambassador and noted anti-Semite, Samantha Powers to abstain from the vote. This allowed the resolution to pass and that’s when the fireworks began. The resolution states that the Israeli construction to be illegal under international law.

This vote set off Prime Minister Netanyahu, and rightfully so. Netanyahu has reported that he has “Iron Clad Proof” that Obama was behind the resolution. According to CNN:

The spokesman for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted Monday night that Israel has “ironclad” proof that the Obama administration was behind a controversial UN Security Council vote to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank, but said it will be up to President-elect Donald Trump’s administration to decide whether or not to release it.

In an interview with Kate Bolduan on CNN’s “Erin Burnett Outfront,” David Keyes declined twice to say that the White House lied by denying that it helped push the resolution, which the United States abstained from voting on.

But Keyes did say: “All I can say is we have that information and it is very clear to us. It’s not in doubt and we are going to pass it through the proper channels.” He added that there is solid information from the Arab world and internationally that the Obama administration helped craft and promote the resolution.

Considering the hatred Obama has for Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and probably Jews in general, I would not be at all surprised if he didn’t have something to do with this. I’m also not surprised about the Israeli government waiting until Donald Trump is sworn in before handing over the information. Israel knows that Trump supports them and will not be trying to force some bogus solution to the issues between Israel and the Islamic world. We’ve seen what Obama’s solution is. It has a the ring of “Final Solution” to it.

Because of this vote, Israel is looking at dealing with those countries that supported it. I understand that Israel is considering reducing diplomatic ties with those countries that voted in favor of this resolution, with Great Britain and New Zealand being at the top of the list. As to relations with the United States, they should dramatically improve after January 20th, 2017, say around 12:30PM Eastern Time.

One of the things that may happen after President Trump is sworn in, is a “Rethinking” of the United States’s relationship with the United Nations. The anger at what Obama did is crossing the aisle in Congress, and there is talk of, at the very least, cutting the funding we provide to that building full of scum and villainy. According to Fox News:

Congress is already setting the stage to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations in the wake of a contested vote last week in which the Obama administration permitted an anti-Israel resolution to win overwhelming approval, according to congressional leaders, who told the Washington Free Beacon that the current administration is already plotting to take further action against the Jewish state before vacating office.

Why am I not surprised that King Putt is continuing his Pro-Islam views towards Israel? However, Congress is considering a number of actions, and while I doubt they will be able to put anything on Der Fubar’s desk before the Inauguration, I suspect that such a bill punishing the UN arriving on president Trump’s desk will be quickly signed into law. (Unless it doesn’t go far enough in President Trump’s opinion)

Other punitive actions by Congress could include expelling Palestinian diplomats from U.S. soil and scaling back ties with foreign nations that voted in favor of the controversial measure, according to multiple sources who spoke to the Free Beacon about the situation both on and off the record.

Among the things being discussed in Congress is cutting off all funding to the United Nations. Honestly, I, along with many others, think it’s long past time to leave the U.N. and expel them from the United States. It long ago went past it’s expiration date as a useful diplomatic arena.

The Free Beacon was the first to disclose on Monday that senior Obama administration officials played a key role in ensuring the measure was passed unanimously by the U.N. Security Council. This included a phone call by Vice President Joe Biden to Ukraine’s president to ensure that country voted in favor of the measure.

According to the Free Beacon:

Insiders familiar with the matter said Biden spoke by phone with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to ask that his country vote in favor of the resolution, which was passed by the U.N. Security Council last week when the United States, in a reversal of longstanding policy, did not exercise its veto power to kill the measure.

Biden, of course, is denying he did this.

Vice President Joe Biden is denying accusations that he personally lobbied foreign leaders to vote in favor of a hotly contested anti-Israel resolution at the United Nations last week that has brought U.S.-Israel relations to an all time low, according to sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon about the matter.

Now I would disagree with the part that U.S. – Israeli relations are in poor shape. The relations between the Obama regime and Israel downright suck, but a majority of Americans support Israel and are appalled at what that SCoaMF has done to them. As I’ve said before, all Israel needs to do is hang on for a few more weeks and a sea change will occur.

In the meantime, Secretary Of State, John Forbes, “Ketchup Boy” Kerry has decided to go out with a bang. He’s giving a speech where HE will tell Israel and the rest of the Middle East how to have a lasting peace. (In the minds of most of the Arab world, that peace would involve Zyklon B and crematoria)

The Israeli government is not amused and is referring to Kerry’s speech as “Pathetic. According to Associated (with terrorists) Press:

A senior Israeli Cabinet minister on Wednesday called U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s planned Mideast policy speech a “pathetic step,” further heightening tensions between the two close allies as the Obama administration prepares to leave office. The comments by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan were the latest salvo in a toxic exchange following the U.S.’s refusal to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution last week that called Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem a violation of international law. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slammed the resolution, and accused the U.S. of colluding with the Palestinians in drawing it up.

The one thing Ketchup Boy may have done is show that it is possible for Obama to pick an even more incompetent idiot for Secretary of State than Felonia von Pantsuit. All she cared about was getting people killed and profiting from it personally. Ketchup Boy Kerry actually thinks he’s competent. What’s worse, at least for Israel, is that Obama and Kerry are plotting to do even worse things before they are unceremoniously kicked to the curb come January 20th.

Next month, France is set to host an international conference where 70 countries, over Israeli objections, hope to endorse an international framework for Mideast peace. Israeli officials fear that the conference’s recommendations may then be approved in another U.N. Security Council resolution just before Obama leaves office on Jan. 20.

Just what that “Framework” may be, I don’t know. I do know that if UN Ambassador Samantha Powers has her way, it would involve invading and occupying Israel, disarming them Israelis and basically ending the existence of the nation of Israel. Luckily, there won’t be time to pull that off before President Trump takes office next month. However, that slimeball can still do a lot of damage.

In a radio interview, Erdan said Kerry’s speech was part of a broader effort to hinder the incoming administration of Donald Trump, who has signaled he will have much warmer relations with Israel.

“This step is a pathetic step. It is an anti-democratic step because it’s clear that the administration and Kerry’s intention is to chain President-elect Trump,” Erdan told Israel Army Radio.

Well, it won’t work. There are two things President Trump plans on doing. The first, of course, is to put America’s interests first. Second, he will be looking at fixing the mess Der Fubar, Ketchup Boy and Felonia von Pantsuit have made of the world. Just hang on Minister, the Nightmare is almost over.

Israeli leaders have made no secret that they are counting on Trump to change U.S. policy. While Trump has not outlined a vision, he has signaled a much more sympathetic approach toward Israel, appointing an ambassador with strong ties to the West Bank settler movement and promising to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, over Palestinian objections.

President Trump is going to have an incredibly busy four years. The damage done by Obama and his pack of petty pinheads to the United States, both domestically and abroad is going to take decades to repair. His foreign policy plate is going to be full, dealing with Russia, China and the Middle East. Coming out fore square in support of Israel and telling the rest of the Middle East to pound sand, (Which they have plenty of), will be a good first step.

The only reason the United States ever had anything to do with the Arab world was oil and the old Soviet Union. The USSR is gone, and while the Federated States of Russia under Putin could be a concern, (not that much of one really), and we have discovered so much oil in the United States that we can start exporting it again. The reserves so far identified are far larger than what the Saudis have. It’s now time to back Israel 100 percent, and with that anti-Semitic wannabe golf pro heading to the unemployment line in a few weeks, we can hit the reset button again. This time, it will be translated correctly.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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