Ketchup Boy Kerry sticks it to Israel

Good day all. As I wrote a little while ago, Obama and his lapdog, John “Ketchup Boy” Kerry have decided to screw Israel over big time as they head out the door and into the obscurity they both so richly deserve.

As I wrote, last week, Obama arranged to have the United Nations stick a shiv into Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu over the west bank and Jeruslem. Then news came out that Ketchup Boy was going to give a speech where he will lay out his plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The speech was as bad as we expected. Here are the details from Fox News:

A defiant Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday defended the U.S. decision allowing the U.N. Security Council to formally condemn Israeli settlements last week, saying the Obama administration did so in the interest of a “just and lasting” peace – even as Israeli officials describe the move as a betrayal.

Well, I think the Israelis might be incorrect that Obama and Kerry betrayed them. They both hate Israel and Jews and have no problem with Israel being destroyed. No, those to scum sucking bastards betrayed America. Screwing over Israel was always part of the plan. Then Ketchup Boy went from swallowing his foot to putting his entire leg in his mouth.

During a farewell speech at the State Department, Kerry explained the decision in his most extensive terms yet. He said the U.S. could not “in good conscience” stand in the way of a resolution he said makes clear “both sides must act now to preserve the possibility of peace.”

We did not take this decision lightly,” Kerry said.

No, you and King Putt along with the Iranian Agent in Place, Valarie Jarrett, took some time in working out the best way to screw Israel, the United States and the incoming Trump administration.

Kerry said Wednesday the decision was about preserving a two-state solution, which he called the only way to a “just and lasting peace.”

But he said: “That future is now in jeopardy.”

Yeah moron, thanks to you, Der Fubar and your predecessor, Felonia von Pantsuit.

Friends need to tell each other the hard truths, and friendships require mutual respect,” Kerry said. He said the U.S. “did in fact vote in accordance with our values.”

Whatever gave you the idea that Israel considers you a friend? If you were any more “friendly”, the Israeli Mossad might have paid you a visit.

In an at-times scathing address, Kerry blasted what he called the “settler agenda” pushing Israel toward seeking one state – which he asserted could not be both Jewish and democratic.

The status quo is leading toward one state and perpetual occupation,” Kerry said. Using pointed language, he said this would entail “separate” but “unequal” treatment for Palestinians.

And who’s fault is that Ketchup Boy? It isn’t Israel’s. They’ve been trying to get the Palestinians to come to an agreement for decades. The Palestinians are the ones who want a “One state solution”, not the Israelis. Of course, since you are a complete anti-Semite, like almost all Progressives, you have no problem with the Israeli people being exterminated.

Kerry condemned Palestinian violence, including hundreds of terror attacks in the last year, and said Palestinian leaders do not do enough to speak out against specific attacks.

Well, that was nice of him.

But the bulk of his address dealt with Israeli settlement expansion, largely in the West Bank. The speech is sure to inflame tensions with the Israeli government.

Oh it did and it is. The good news is, the Israelis only need to hold on for a few more weeks and then this horrible nightmare will be over.

The Israeli government, meanwhile, has turned to President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration for support, openly saying they look forward to working with the next president amid fraying ties with the outgoing administration.

Now, when President Trump takes office next month, and his new Secretary of State is confirmed and sworn in, Israel can look forward to a massive weight being lifted off their shoulders. While King Putt and Ketchup Boy Kerry might be trying to hamstring Trump, it won’t work. Trump is quite willing to listen and learn from people, but when he makes his mind up, it’s full steam ahead. He’s already talking about moving our Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and I don’t think he will need any legislation from Congress to do so. (Perhaps a budget item)

Trump has already let it be known, in his typical subtle as a hammer to the head way, that things are going to be very different between the Untied States and Israel once he’s in office. he’s been talking with Prime Minister Netanyahu and it looks like they are both essentially on the same page.

Good bye Ketchup Boy! Don’t let the door knob get stick in you anus when you head out the door of your office for the final time. You, along with your master, Barack Obama, will be remembered as the utter fools and complete failures you are.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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