Yet another Moonbat professor goes nuts

Good day all. The other day I wrote a post about a real Moonbat professor who called for a genocide against people with white skin. Since writing that, George Ciccariello-Maher, the professor in question, has been trying to walk back his tweet. Now we have yet another Moonbat professor who is stalking a Muslim woman who voted for Trump.

This one is an Associate Professor at Georgetown University, and she has gone totally off her rocker. Her name is C. Christine Fair, and she has been hurling one written assault after another against Asra Q. Nomani. The reason? Ms. Nomani stated that she had voted for Trump and listed her reasons why. Here are some of the details from the Daily Caller:

A Georgetown University associate professor had a month-long meltdown after a Muslim woman explained why she voted for President-elect Donald Trump.

Barking Moonbat

Asra Q. Nomani, a former Georgetown journalism professor and Wall Street Journal reporter, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post Nov. 10 explaining why she, as a Muslim woman and “long-time liberal,” voted for Trump. “I support the Democratic Party’s position on abortion, same-sex marriage and climate change,” Nomani wrote. “But I am a single mother who can’t afford health insurance under Obamacare.”

I find Ms. Nomani’s remarks that she basically supports most of the Progressive Liberal bovine droppings, and is also a Muslim rather interesting. Has she forgotten what would happen to her if she made these remarks in, oh say Saudi Arabia or Iran? The choices she would have would be death by hanging, death by stoning, death be decapitation or death by being lashed. However, this is beside point. To continue:

C. Christine Fair, a previously “friendly colleague,” went on a 31-day screed against Nomani spanning across Twitter and Facebook. According to Nomani’s Dec. 23 follow-up complaint to the university, the “Peace and Security Studies” professor called her a “wretch,” “clueless dolt” and a fame-monger.

Fair also compared Trump to Adolf Hitler and asserted that Nomani’s vote for Trump “helped normalize Nazis in DC.” She didn’t clarify if she was referring to Trump supporters or actual Nazis marching the streets.

There are screen shots of Fair’s twitter feed of her rants against Ms. Nomani. The Stoopid, as they say, burns intensely in C. Christine Fair. Ms. Nomani’s response was, on the other hand, reasoned, polite and devoid of the flaming idiocy of C.Christine Fair’s tweets.

Nomani replied that she “condemns all hate” and called Fair’s attacks against her “unfortunate.” After another series of exchanges, Nomani told Fair to “take a deep breath & step away from the keyboard.”

Ooh, that was a mistake. Never tell a Social Justice Warrior to step away from the keyboard. It’s like tossing a gallon of Nitroglycerin on a bonfire, and Fair didn’t disappoint.

Fair proceeded to call her a “fame-mongering clown show” and a “fraud.”

Again, there are screenshots of Fair’s diatribe on the Daily Caller story. Apparently, C. Christine Fair, (I don’t know what the “C” stands for, but I have a few “unofficial” thoughts), couldn’t really let fly with the normal 140 character limit on Twitter, so she went to Facebook and opened fire.

She again attacked Nomani Dec. 6 with “an open letter” on Facebook, in which Fair told her to “fuck off” and “GO TO HELL.”

Stuck on Stupid

I went off to Facebook and found C.Christine Fair’s page. As you might expect, she deleted the tirade, but again, what goes on the internet, stays on the internet and the Daily Caller has a screenshot of her diatribe. The Daily Caller contacted Ms. Nomani for comments, and she provided them.

Nomani told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Georgetown professor Bruce Hoffman replied to her original Dec. 2 complaint on Dec. 3. He told her he forwarded her complaint to professor Irfan Nooruddin. Nooruddin is the faculty chair of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service.

Nooruddin told Nomani in a Dec. 4 email that, “I shall follow up directly with Professor Fair.” Fair posted her Facebook rant about Nomani two days after Nooruddin said he would speak with her.

Which, apparently, he did

Additionally, she threatened Nomani in an email Dec. 6 with “legal action.” “Your attempt to silence my opinion or force a dialogue by involving my employer is unacceptable and any further action on your part to involve Georgetown will be met with legal action,” Fair wrote. “Your social media and email appeal to my employer with the intent or threat of damaging my employment status is a form of cyber bullying, which will not be tolerated.”

It appears that Mr. Nooruddin got an earful from C. Christine Fair. I can’t say this as a fact, but I am inferring it from his response a day later to Ms. Nomani.

Nooruddin emailed Nomani a day later on Dec. 7: “Let me answer your question directly by referring you to the “Faculty Responsibilities Code” of the Georgetown Faculty Handbook: This section under point 5 lays out the formal steps. The first of these involves a complaint to the unit head (in this case, me). If I fail to resolve the situation satisfactorily, then I must take it to the Dean within 5 days. And it goes from there.”

Yeah, I would say he did get an earful from C. Christine Fair.

He did not elaborate on what resolving “the situation satisfactorily” entailed, but said, “So, if you wish me to try again, i [sic] shall. If that doesn’t yield the desired outcome, I can then take it to the Dean if that’s what you want.”

The desired resolution would be that C. Christine Fair shut the F*** UP and leave Ms. Nomani alone. I would hazard a guess that C. Christine Fair didn’t take the hint.

Nomani emailed Nooruddin five days later on Dec. 12 to say that she wanted to proceed with a formal complaint. He replied that he would proceed once she sent a formal complaint. Nomani sent the formal complaint Dec. 23, the same day Fair called her an atheist on Twitter.

Now I do not know and have no interest in how devout to the Islamic faith Ms. Nomani is. It isn’t any of my business as long as she doesn’t take a truck and run down people screaming “Allahu Akbar!” However, making an accusation against a Muslim that he or she is an atheist in a public forum?

Publicly stating a Muslim is an apostate by calling them an atheist on Twitter could have serious repercussions.

Yeah, like getting killed.

Radical Islamic extremists often declare civilians apostates before attacking them, because in their interpretation of the Quran, renouncing Islam is punishable by death.

Congratulations C. Christine Fair. If anything happens to Ms. Nomani due that accusation, such as her being murdered by a RIF, you could be criminally charged. (I’ll leave the actual legal details on this to those who are legal eagles) Mr. Noorudin acknowledged the receipt of the complaint from Ms Nomani.

This note acknowledges receipt of your complaint against Professor Fair,” Nooruddin replied. “I shall follow university policies as appropriate.”

Considering the diatribes and possible threats of harm against Ms. Nomani by C. Christine Fair, I think the only recourse will be termination from her position at Georgetown. It’s obvious that Ms. Nomani is not happy at having to take this course of action with regards to the extremely unhinged C. Christine Fair.

The attacks against me by a professor at Georgetown University are particularly disturbing because Georgetown gave me a home to complete the investigation of the murder of my friend and colleague Danny Pearl by militants in Pakistan,” Nomani told TheDCNF. “I would like to see Georgetown uphold its values for peace and civil discourse. And I would gently urge anyone who is as disturbed as I am about Prof. Fair’s conduct to remain civil and not engage in any personal attacks because we have to be the civility we want to see in the world.”

Ms. Nomani is a far more forgiving person than I am. I would already be talking to a lawyer regarding a lawsuit, and possibly to the police regarding the potential threat against my life. C. Christine Fair needs to be removed from the classroom asap, and dismissed from Georgetown University.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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