Barack Obama, a petulant child

Good day all. As the curtain on the most incompetent, disastrous presidency in easily the last 150 years comes to a close, Barack Obama is showing what a spoiled, petulant brat he really is.

Since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump has been putting his administration together, and working, or attempting to work with, the Obama administration. Since the voters in most of the country overwhelmingly rejected Obama’s “legacy”, Trump and the Republican congress have been looking at what needs to be done to fulfill the wishes of the voters.

The SCoaMF, Barack Obama realizes his legacy achievements, such as his signature Obamacare, are both uniformly despised and failing miserably. His foreign policy has been a total failure. Since everything Obama has done is soon to be undone, he has been basically doing everything he can to make life miserable for Trump, the GOP congress, and Americans in general. Here are some of the details from the New York Post on what the big baby has been doing:

In his waning days in the White House, President Obama is desperately trying to make his policies as permanent as possible by tying the hands of his successor — and far more than other presidents have done on their way out.

From his dramatic and disastrous change of US policy on Israel to his executive order restricting 1.65 million acres of land from development despite local objections, Obama is trying to make it impossible for Donald Trump and a GOP-controlled Congress to govern.

Even Thursday’s announcement of wide-ranging sanctions against Russia presents Trump with a foreign-policy crisis immediately upon taking office.

Fortunately, Vladmir Putin has written off Obama and isn’t going to go for the usual “Tit for tat” actions that normally occur. Putin has already done a little “testing” of Donald Trump and found that Trump will push back. In other words, he isn’t a flaming wimp like Barack Obama.

By contrast, many of Obama’s predecessors have stood back in their final days in office and refrained from any dramatic shifts, in deference to the agenda of the man voters sent to succeed them.

When the Clinton administration closed out in 2001, there were a few “pranks” pulled, such as ripping the letter “W” from all the computer keyboards, and Felonia von Pantsuit taking everything that wasn’t nailed down. However, there were no major policy decisions made, at least none without some consultations with the incoming Bush administration.

But Obama won’t accept the election results. As he suggested the other day, Trump’s election was a fluke — and he himself would have easily been re-elected if allowed to stand for a third term.

Der Fubar is confusing his personal poll numbers with his administrations poll numbers. He may be deluding himself that he could win a third term, but the reality is, he would have lost and suspect worse than Felonia did.

He believes this not just because he’s an effective campaigner, but because he thinks his “vision” and policies continue to be backed by “a majority of the American people.”

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But Obama, like many Democrats, fails to understand what happened in the election: Voters were calling for real change from the status quo — from his policies. Indeed, before the vote, he himself said it was a referendum on him and his policies.

King Putt used that idea, that it was all about his policies for a simple reason. Felonia von Pantsuit had to be the absolute worlds worst candidate for President. Despite doing everything they could do cover up her incompetence and criminal activities, they knew she was collapsing. Obama’s plan to say that election Felonia would be equal to reelecting him to a third term was a hail Mary pass. Pity that all Obama did was toss a nice easy pass to Donald Trump.

Whether it was the lackluster economy, ObamaCare, trade, the sweeping failure of his foreign policy or illegal immigration, voters sought something very different.

Trump, on the other hand, did more than just energize his base: He flipped six states that voted for Obama in 2012.

And this was in spite of some fairly obvious attempts at election fraud by the Democrats. If you think I’m being facetious, consider what happened with the recounts demanded by Jill Stein. Before they were shut down, they started finding ballot boxes in Michigan that listed several hundred ballots, but when opened, found significantly fewer.

In other states, the recounts were actually favoring Donald Trump over Felonia von Pantsuit. Then there were incidents were electronic voting machines were flipping voted from Trump to Felonia, but, interestingly, not from Felonia to Trump.

Obama’s failure to follow tradition and respect voters is par for the course. He spent much of his tenure pushing the bounds and overstepping his constitutional authority — through regulatory edicts and executive actions. So his latest power grab should come as no surprise.

But it’s one thing for Obama to have delusions about the popularity of his agenda. It’s quite another to try to preserve a discredited legacy by handcuffing America’s next democratically elected president.

Well, I don’t think it’s going to work out the way King Putt thinks it will. His rather blatant abuse of power, and using the administrative regulatory system to lock in his agenda may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Congress is already looking at undoing the actions taken by Obama’s regulatory thugs, and with the power’s Trump will have once he is sworn in, Obama’s antics will be undone. It just might take longer then we originally planned for.

The Progressive Liberal Democrats in the house and senate are already talking about obstructing all the changes that the American People put Trump in office is planning to make. However, thanks to their recent history under Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the Republican party might just do things like kill the filibuster. This will render the Democrats plans to screw over the average American moot.

The next issue the Progressive Liberal Democrats have is the 2018 election. The Democrats have to protect 28 senate seats, and something like 20 of those seats are in states that have either flipped to the Republican party, or voted for Trump.

The results, as many have since come to realize, is that the Democratic Party now caters to a hard-left, elite core located on the two coasts — and has abandoned the working-class Americans in the heartland it so loudly claims to champion.

Which is why Democrats have also been losing seats, especially at the state level. Voters are fed up with Democratic failures — to the point where they were willing to take a chance on an untested novice like Trump.

This doesn’t begin to describe the utter devastation that has happened to the Democrats over the last 8 years. Right now, the Democrats are looking at who will run in 2020 against Donald Trump. They have…no one. Instead, you have people talking abut Bernie Sanders running again, or perhaps Joe Biden. They literally have no one younger available. If, as many people both hope and expect, President Trump makes some significant improvements for the average American, the Progressive Liberal Democrat Party could end up as nothing more than a regional party.

If California were to actually do a “Calexit”, the Democrat party will collapse completely. Letting California leave the Union, or just kicking them out, is suddenly looking very interesting.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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