MSNBC 2016 Lowlights

Good day all. MSNBC is well known as the place Progressives go to for televised Safe Spaces and propaganda. 2016 appears to have been a banner year for the assorted moonbats commenting on the election season.

MSNBC was wholly dedicated to putting Felonia von Pantsuit into the Oval office, and ran one hit piece after another against Donald Trump…or so I am told. I have way to many functioning brain cells to watch MSNBC and don’t even have the channel set up on my DirecTV favorites. However, someone else, with far higher tolerances for outright lies and blind stupidity masquerading as informed commentary has put together a highlight reel of MCNBC’s Greatest Hits of 2016. Please do not watch on a full stomach.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Yeah. About all I can say to this is…

Oh and this as well.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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