Jerry Brown prepares for a crow dinner

Good day all. Since President Trump’s victory in November, the Moonbats, Morons, Stoners, Ding Dongs and Dim bulbs, led by Governor Moonbeam have been screaming about how they’re going to defy the Federal government, and possibly secede from the United States.

If you’ve been following the nuttiness from the Left Coast, one of their claims has been that the United States needs California more than they need the United States. Well, about that. Due to the heavy snows and rains on the West Coast this winter, the drought conditions in California have not only come to an end, now they have to much water. This has caused the imminent failure of the Oroville Dam.

If and when the dam breaks, it’s going to drown several towns on the path of the water and possibly cause other dams downstream to break. So far, almost 200,000 people have been evacuated. This has led to the California government, led by Governor Jerry Brown, to go hat in hand to the Trump Administration and request funds and assistance.

This sudden change of fortune has led to a number of stories popping up on why Brown is seeking federal assistance, and how this will look to the Moonbat class. Here are a few details from the East Bay Times:

In December, Gov. Jerry Brown asserted California’s independence and blasted President Donald Trump for dismissing climate change. On Friday, the governor turned to his potential nemesis for help — specifically, asking the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to declare a major disaster after the state was hammered by storms, floods and mudslides.

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The request could be an early test of relations between the Democrats who run the nation’s largest state and the new Republican administration. If California’s request is rejected, however, it might be difficult to pin it on a frosty relationship between the governor and the president, said Larry Gerston, professor emeritus of political science at San Jose State.

It’s an easy claim to make, but a hard one to prove,” he said.

It may be hard to prove, but that won’t stop the Fascist Progressives from making the claim. It doesn’t help that Governor Moonbeam and the Moonbats have been in a state of outright rebellion since their choice of candidate, Felonia von Pantsuit, was defeated.

Brown attacked Trump’s energy and environmental policies at a forum for scientists in December. The governor vowed to protect climate research and policies aimed at curbing global warming. “We’ve got the scientists, we’ve got the lawyers and we’re ready to fight,” Brown told the audience.

And you expect the rest of the country to clean up your mess? This isn’t an earthquake. That dam has been in need of repairs for quite a while. California could have budgeted for it, but Governor Moonbeam, who has a long history of killing needed water projects out there, along with the moonbats in the legislature, decided that it was better to spend billions on Welfare for Illegal aliens and The Moonbeam Express.

I suspect that Trump will approve the request, but he will exact a price for it. Right off the bat will be an end to the protection of criminal aliens by the Progressives. Then there may be a little pulling back from the “California uber Alles” way of doing things with the rest of the country. Yes, I think Trump will help them, but he’s going to make it hurt. It couldn’t happen to a better group of idiots.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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