How about refrigerating the Arctic?

Good day all. In the annals of mind boggling dumb ideas, this one ranks right there with selling freezers to Eskimos. A “Scientist” has come up with a plan to “Refreeze the Arctic,” and it will only cost $500 billion dollars.

I originally read about this plan on Slash Dot just this morning. Most of the comments were of the “What are you? Stupid?” variety with a few from members of the Church of Global Warming and Climate Change, (AlGore be Praised! AlGore Akbar!) A little searching and I found both The American Geophysical Union, which is really loaded with math and what passes for science among these types, and an article in the Guardian aimed more at general readers. Here’s what the Guardian has to say:

Physicist Steven Desch has come up with a novel solution to the problems that now beset the Arctic. He and a team of colleagues from Arizona State University want to replenish the region’s shrinking sea ice – by building 10 million wind-powered pumps over the Arctic ice cap. In winter, these would be used to pump water to the surface of the ice where it would freeze, thickening the cap.

I looked up Steven Desch, and he is about what you would expect from someone who dreamed up this idiocy. An ivory tower type with both feet firmly planted in La-La land. He’s not even a climatologist, but a theoretical astrophysicist working in Astronomy. I won’t bore you with how Desch and his group plan on doing this. Long story short, it involves windmills, water pumps, miles of pipe and truckloads of money.

Desch and his team have put forward the scheme in a paper that has just been published in Earth’s Future, the journal of the American Geophysical Union, and have worked out a price tag for the project: $500bn (£400bn).

The Guardian, which is not noted for a conservative viewpoint, dives into this with both feet.

It is an astonishing sum. However, it is the kind of outlay that may become necessary if we want to halt the calamity that faces the Arctic, says Desch, who, like many other scientists, has become alarmed at temperature change in the region. They say that it is now warming twice as fast as their climate models predicted only a few years ago and argue that the 2015 Paris agreement to limit global warming will be insufficient to prevent the region’s sea ice disappearing completely in summer, possibly by 2030.

Well, isn’t that interesting. The ice will be gone by 2030, huh? As I understand it, according to Al Gore, it should be gone already and the Polar bears extinct due to drowning. The last reports I saw were that the Arctic ice sheet, rather then contracting, is actually expanding, right along with the polar bear population.

Hence Desch’s scheme to use wind pumps to bring water that is insulated from the bitter Arctic cold to its icy surface, where it will freeze and thicken the ice cap. Nor is the physicist alone in his Arctic scheming: other projects to halt sea-ice loss include one to artificially whiten the Arctic by scattering light-coloured aerosol particles over it to reflect solar radiation back into space, and another to spray sea water into the atmosphere above the region to create clouds that would also reflect sunlight away from the surface.

All the projects are highly imaginative – and extremely costly. The fact that they are even being considered reveals just how desperately worried researchers have become about the Arctic. “The situation is causing grave concern,” says Professor Julienne Stroeve, of University College London. “It is now much more dire than even our worst case scenarios originally suggested.’

Dear Professor Stroeve, as I dig out from the last bout of Global Warming, with another batch of Global Warming expected, I, for one, question your models. Have you and your fellow travelers managed to get your models to work with historical data yet?

Oh, and how about the recent report that NOAA scientists rigged their data just before The Great Mistake, aka Barack Obama, signed those Paris accords? You know, the ones that President Trump is currently burning in the White House fireplace to keep warm?

What these “scientists” all have in common is no grasp on reality, and a desire to spend great gobs of my money on massive projects that, if not work, will probably make things a great deal worse. The other thing they all have in common is that I wouldn’t trust them to get my order right at Subway. Calling these idiots Barking Moonbats is an insult to the Barking Moonbat class.

Barking Moonbat

Now if you will excuse me, I need to pick up the Angry Brother In-law. His Global Warming blower blew it’s transmission and he’s buying a new one, and wants me to help him bring it to his home.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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