Chelsea Clinton’s new book

Good day all. Did you know that Chelsea Clinton has published a book? No? Neither did I, and apparently, no one else knows about it either.

This book, entitled Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why? Lists Clinton as one of the two authors. Considering the past history of the Clinton Crime Family, this probably means that Chelsea Clinton was given a great big check by the publisher and someone else did all the work. Here are a few amusing details from Heat Street:

Last week a new book was published co-written by Chelsea Clinton and entitled Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why?

Almost no one is buying the Clinton title, co-authored by Devi Sridhar, a Global Public Health Professor at the University of Edinburgh. It currently stands at No. 74,374 on the Amazon Bestsellers Chart.

So, this book probably won’t be heading for the New York Slimes best seller list anytime soon…or ever for that matter. So what is this book about anyway?

The book profiles global health organizations and the work they do. Chelsea is Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation which prioritizes improving global health.

A small correction is in order. The Clinton Foundation priority is the care and feeding of the Clinton Crime Family. Since Felonia von Pantsuit lost the election, the level of bribes donations has fallen significantly.

Published by Oxford University Press, the book is well-intentioned but bland in the extreme. And there is no answer given to the question “Who Runs the World and Why?”

The reason that there is no answer to who runs the world can be summed up in four words. November Eighth and Donald Trump. You see, a funny thing happened. The person(s) who had been scheduled to run the world ran into a small problem, namely the voters of the United States of America.

Chelsea does however extensively eulogize Bill and Melinda Gates whose foundation has frequently partnered with the Clinton Foundation and substantially donated to various Clinton’s initiatives. “It is clear that the Gates Foundation has played a vital role in global health and can aptly claim credit for saving untold lives,” Chelsea observes.

Unlike the Clinton Foundation, the Gates Foundation actually does try to achieve something other than the enrichment of the Gates family. In fact, Bill and Melinda Gates are trying to get rid of most of their money, unlike the Clintons.

Did the fact that her mother lost the race to ‘run the world’ to Donald Trump now render this book less relevant to the Clintons? Was it to have coincided with some health initiative that Chelsea would have spearheaded if her mother was president?

Is this a trick question?

Who knows? Her poor co-author Devi Sridhar, who at least get kudos from telling people at parties the identity of her literary partner in crime, is holding out hope for the book’s ‘official’ launch in March. Maybe by then it will have broken the Top 50,000 barrier on Amazon.

If I were Sridhar, I would ask that my name be removed from that book, and make sure I was paid up front. I can only assume that this person just arrived from India and really doesn’t know just how the Clintons operate.

Apart from a few fleeting mentions on Twitter, Chelsea has stayed silent about the book. She seems more excited about backing JK Rowling in her Twitter spat with Piers Morgan.

And people are touting Chelsea Clinton as the next representative from New York? (Whichever district the Clinton’s can rig in Chelsea’s favor that is) Granted, Chelsea Clinton is not the brightest bulb in the lamp, but even she must know that it’s all over for the Clintons, just as it’s all over for the Bushes. Chelsea should continue to slide into obscurity and hope that a Grand Jury overlooks her. As for her book? The official publishing date is in March I believe, followed by placement on the remainders table in early April.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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