CALEXIT leader Russian mole?

Good day all. If you’ve been following things, you know that some 30% of Californians desire to secede from the United States. Some 55% of Americans would like to kick them out as well. However, there seems to be a small problem with the leader of the CALEXIT movement.

And what might that problem be? It seems that the leader of the ballot initiative is being supported by some groups in Russia. Here are the details from ABC 7 News:

It would be easy to dismiss this as some fringe group trying to make California into its own country, but former intelligence officials tell the ABC7 News I-Team the ballot initiative leader’s ties to Russia raise serious questions.

Louis Marinelli has received support in Russia from a far-right nationalist group that wants to break up the United States. Former intelligence officials say that association raises serious questions about his intent.

“You don’t need this to be involved in California’s campaign for independence,” Marinelli said holding up an American flag.

Perhaps he would be more comfortable holding up the Soviet era Hammer and Sickle flag?

He’s the leader of the Yes California campaign, also dubbed Calexit. Marinelli is an American who lives in Russia, but his movement is getting a lot of attention stateside.

Wait, what? The leader of the Yes California campaign doesn’t actually live in California, or even in the United States? I think that might be significant, don’t you?

We (ABC 7) recently spoke with him from his home in Yekaterinburg. “I’m in Russia for a number of reasons,” said Marinelli. “I have personal reasons. I want to be here and I have political goals to achieve while I’m here, one of which is to build a bridge between California and Russia.”

Yeah, sure you are! Speaking of bridges, I have one I’d like to sell you. It has a nice color and is near San Francisco bay.

He says his personal reasons center on his marriage. “My wife is a foreign national from Russia,” he said. “As you can imagine, we’ve had difficulty and an expensive and difficult time navigating the immigration system.”

Whoopee, I was recently married to a Chinese woman and we went through the immigration process. Yes, it’s a royal pain in the ass, but we did it. Of course, my ex-wife wasn’t involved with a group that wants to destroy the United States either.

Marinelli says California’s approach to immigration and political ideology no longer mirror the rest of the country and for that reason it should be its own country.

And that approach will be “Come on in, vote, get welfare, and don’t bother to assimilate. No need to bother with a visa or the People’s Republic of Freedonia’s version of a green card, we won’t have them!”

The ballot measure would change California’s constitution and allow it to begin the process for leaving the U.S. It would force a special election asking Californians if they want to be independent.

And how well did that work out the last time it was tried?

If yes, then congress would have to agree and so would two-thirds of the state legislatures.

Not happening. It would be far easier to ship all the Yes voters to Canada and Mexico. Come to think of it…

“With that ability we will be able to establish the kind of liberal and progressive republic that we want in California, but often can’t have because of congress, because of the White House, because of the supreme court.” Marinelli told the ABC7 News I-Team.

And replicate the economic miracles of Venezuela, North Korea, Haiti, etc.

When asked if he would move back to the United States, Mainelli responded,”At some point in time I hope to return to California and live under the California flag without the American flag, sure.”

So, you won’t be coming then? Fine. Enjoy the snow in Russia. California might get the CALEXIT initiative on the ballot, but currently, only about 30% of the residents of the state are in favor of it. How many of that 30% are either American citizens or legal resident aliens is another matter. Which brings up another question. If this gets on the ballot, will illegal aliens be voting for it? An interesting question.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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