Loose lips sink Obama?

Good day all. I saw a mention of this major league “Oopsy!” early this morning but didn’t put much stock in it. Now it’s starting to hit other sites. It seems that one of Obama’s flunky’s may have just let the cat out of the bag with regards to spying on Donald Trump and his transition team.

I’m going to invoke the 72 hour rule, since we will need this carefully looked into. Still, it seems that Evelyn Farkus has opened her mouth and inserted her foot. Here are the details from Fox News:

A former top Obama administration official has acknowledged efforts by her colleagues to gather intelligence on Trump team ties to Russia before Donald Trump took office and to conceal the sources of that intelligence from the incoming administration.

Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense under Obama, made the disclosure while on the air with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski.

I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill, it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration,” Farkas, who is now a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, said.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left, so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy … that the Trump folks – if they found out how we knew what we knew about their … the Trump staff dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.”

Aside from questions over whether communications were improperly gathered during the transition and before, there is speculation over how widely such information was disseminated. Farkas described a rush to spread the material before Trump took office.

“So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia,” she said. “So then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were trying to also help get information to the Hill.”

I believe the phrase running through the minds of all the Progressive Democrats right now is “Nice going dumbass!” Here we’ve had the Progressive Democrats going on a full court press against Representative Nunes regarding his talking to President Trump and Speaker Eddie Munster Paul Ryan, and now you might just have provided the confirmation, in a public forum, they’ve been looking for.

Instead of just describing the interview, what it for yourselves and make your own decisions.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVGp2FZmVA4′]

Why am I thinking that this could be another Watergate, only on the Democrat side? Considering how loud the Democrats have been in trying to bury this, it’s beginning to smell a lot like a cover up. Obama is out of office now, as are all of his senior people. If this is as bad as it looks, (And I hope it is), there are a lot of people who are going to jail.

Although I considering it unlikely, it isn’t totally beyond the realm of possibility that Der Fubar himself might even be indicted.

That would be a best case scenario of course. Well, from the point of the Democrats, it would be a worst case scenario. In all probability, it would end the Democrat party as a viable political entity. Considering the damage the Democrats have done to the United States since the 1850’s, they deserve to die a political death.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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3 Responses to Loose lips sink Obama?

  1. BruceInVA says:

    Let me amend previous comment to say, “in DC.” Former VA governor Baliles (a very nice guy, too nice for national politics), an example of a decent Dem.

  2. BruceInVA says:

    Decent D’s? Haven’t been any other than Jim Webb since Daniel Patrick Moynihan, IMHO.

  3. FriarBob says:

    There actually have been SOME decent D politicians since Jefferson or so. There have to have been.

    Can’t think of too many good examples ATM tho.


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