The James Comey Show

Good day all. Last week, former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, testified in front of Congress. This was billed by the Progressives as “The testimony to get Trump!” It doesn’t seem to have worked out that way.

I didn’t write about Comey’s testimony when it happened for a simple reason. I knew there was going to be a lot more to it then we saw in the first 24 hours. It looks like I was right. Rather then sink Trump, Comey essentially confirmed everything that Trump has been saying with regards to Russia all along.

The next big Democrat “Gotcha” was the allegation that Trump ordered Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn. Here he had” Memos” with his recollections. (More on the memos later) Unfortunately, the “Smoking gun” turned out to be a starters pistol with a broken firing pin. Since “Colluding with Russia to steal the Election from Saint Felonia of the Pantsuit” had just been shot down in flames, the Progressives and RINO’s decided to try Obstruction of Justice on for size.

Unfortunately again, it doesn’t seem to fit. The takeaway was that President Trump “Hoped” that Comey could finish up the investigation and clear Michael Flynn. According to Comey, President Trump said:

I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Comey said Trump told him. Comey added that Trump called Flynn “a good guy” and said “I hope you can let this go.” Comey agreed that Flynn “is a good guy” but wouldn’t say he would “let this go.” Trump briefly returned to the subject of leaks and then Comey left.

The Progressive Democrats immediately started screeching “OBSTRUCTION!!!” and “IMPEACHMENT!!!” Comey, who is coming across as a disgruntled former employee threw some gas on that fire. The problem for Comey, is he also, probably without realizing it, dumped a can of gas on himself and Loretta Lynch too.

One of the things that came up was how then Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Comey to refer to the Clinton mail server investigation as a “Matter.” Then we have the infamous meeting on the runway between Lynch and the Silver Zipper himself. Bill “Bubba Horndog” Clinton. That’ along with the apparent intentional sabotaging of the investigation by Comey appears to my untrained eye as real Obstruction of Justice.”

What Trump said was what a non-politician would say. It wasn’t a suggestion, it wasn’t an order it was a hope. The followup from Trump that:

The President went on to say that if there were some ‘satellite’ associates of his who did something wrong, it would be good to find that out, but that he hadn’t done anything wrong and hoped I would find a way to get it out that we weren’t investigating him,” Comey said.

This was what was annoying President Trump. The accusations by the Democrat Propaganda system, aka the New York Times, CNN, the Washington Post, etc. that Trump was working with the Russians to get elected. His remarks that it would be good to find out if someone in his administration or transition team had done something wrong, it would be good to know. That’s hardly obstruction. That’s more like “Keep digging into this and let me know what you find, if anything.” Even then, it wasn’t an instruction. If Trump wants something done, he simply tells people to “Do this.”

Next we come to the infamous memos. These were notes that Comey wrote regarding his meetings with Trump. They are also the ones that were “Mysteriously leaked” to the New York Times. Well guess what? The leaker was none other than James Comey himself, and by his own admission, he did it to force the appointment of a special prosecutor to “Get Trump.”

This is one reason I’ve been holding off on comments on Comey. The memos were technically the property of the Federal Government since Comey wrote them on a government computer. Technically, it looks like he broke a law or two, and more than likely broke his nondisclosure agreements and may have violated ethics rules.

The Progressives are screeching that it doesn’t matter since “Smoking Gun!!” (Ever notice that the only guns Progressives like are smoking ones?) The problem, among many, with these memos is that they really don’t help Comey. In fact, they seem to show that Comey is a coward who only looks to protect himself. Thanks to the mess from the Clinton investigation, And Lynch’s telling him to refer to it as “a matter”, and Comey not standing up to her, (Or Trump for that matter), indicates that he is a wimp.

If Comey had simply asked for clarification from President Trump on Trump’s “Hope. remark” Did the President want Comey to shut down the investigation? I suspect that Trump would be surprised at that question coming from Comey and more than likely said no. He would probably have asked Comey why he thought he, (President Trump), was telling him to do so. In other words, it would be a simple matter of educating a new president.

The fact that Comey didn’t follow up with either President Trump or Loretta Lynch tells me that he was totally unqualified to run the FBI, or a Popsicle stand for that matter. He’s a classic “Beta male” who has no real leadership abilities.

I don’t know if Comey will be prosecuted over the leaking of the memos, but I doubt it. Instead, in his attempts to make himself look good, he might just have given President Trump and the Republicans all the ammunition they need to reopen the investigation into Felonia von Pantsuit, and start new ones on the other scum and villains from the Obama regime. Nice going there Jimmy.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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