Protesting Sharia law draws counter-protesters

Good day all. The other day, there were a series of rallies and protests across the United States. These protests were meant to show that Islamic Sharia law has no place in the United States, or anywhere for that matter.

These rallies drew counter-protests. Now you would expect these counter-protesters to be Muslims and they were there. The problem is that it also drew the Progressive Social Justice Warriors as well and they were siding against the people opposed to the imposition of Sharia Law in the west. Here are the details from Fox News:

SEATTLE – Small but disorderly protests around the country Saturday raised the worry that extremist interpretations of Islamic law somehow might swell across the U.S. and infect American democracy, but many of the rallies drew even more over-the-top counter-protests by demonstrators who called such fears an unfounded distortion of Islam.

Seattle. Why doesn’t this surprise me at all?

Hundreds of counter-protesters marched through downtown Seattle, banging drums, cymbals and cowbells behind a large sign saying “Seattle stands with our Muslim neighbors.” Participants chanted “No hate, no fear, Muslims are welcome here” on their way to City Hall, where dozens of anti-Shariah protesters rallied.

What is it with the Barking Moonbats that they flat out refuse to believe what the Muslims say? Is it something in the water? One to many hits from the group bong? Or are they just plain to supid to be allowed out without a keeper?

“The theme of today is drowning out racism,” said New York counter-protester Tony Murphy, standing next to demonstrators with colorful earplugs. “The more racists get a platform, the more people get attacked.”

Has anyone told this moron that Islam is not about race, it’s a religion? Somehow I doubt it. This moonbat, along with the others are so blind in their beliefs, that, to put it bluntly, they’re no different then the terrorists that drive trucks into crowds.

About 300 people attended San Bernardino’s rallies. Three were arrested on suspicion of vandalism for smashing windows of two cars, Hards said.

And I suspect that those knotheads will be found to be hard left-wing Antifa thugs.

Here’s the problem the Stoopids refuse to acknowledge. In small numbers, Muslims generally aren’t a problem. However, once it gets above a certain percentage of the population, they start trying to impose Sharia law, and not just on Muslims.

Europe is now facing this threat, and instead of fighting back, they’re rolling over. The elites ruling the European Union, at least the western part, want the borders thrown open. In their idiotic view, they see the Muslims as a cheap source of labor. The problem here, as we’re seeing, is that they won’t assimilate into the local cultures. Europe has seen a massive crime wave with rapes and other forms of sexual assaults towards women increasing every day. Instead of crushing these scum, the government are threatening the victims of these crimes.

I wonder if the moonbat class has considered how homosexuals are treated in countries run under Sharia law? The answer is very simple. They are killed. Women have no rights at all, and are generally considered of less value then a goat. If a woman is raped, she is the one they execute, not the rapists. This is what the Social Justice Warriors want to bring to America. Pity they don’t understand that under Sharia Law, they will be the first killed.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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