John McCain prefers Obama

Once again, the walking diaper stain that Arizona has seen fit to send to the United States Senate has shown that he is nothing more then a sour, disloyal scumbag. He’s also managed to show that he should be medically retired from office due to senility.

McStain has never been one to put others ahead of himself, other then the time he got captured during the Vietnam war. Since he started his political career, he’s managed to win a photo finish with ethics committees and shown his true colors when it comes to actually representing his state and his constituents. Now he’s saying America was better off under Obama. Here are the details from The Hill:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said American leadership was stronger under President Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama, according to a Guardian report published Sunday.

He talked to the Guardian? In case you didn’t know, that is a left wing rag in England. Unlike our left wing rags, they don’t try to hide what they are.

As far as American leadership is concerned, yes,” said McCain, who also vocally criticized many of the Obama administration’s foreign policy decisions.

McCain also lost to Obama when he ran as the GOP nominee in the 2008 presidential election.

McStain threw away that election. He was as big a disaster on the campaign trail as Felonia von Pantsuit. The only reason he didn’t lose by 20 points was Governor Sarah Palin trying to drag his carcass into the oval office. Her thanks was being shafted by McStain and his cronies.

The top Senate Republican was also asked what “message” the president delivered to the U.K. last week when he publicly criticized London’s mayor, shortly after a terror-related attack that left eight people dead and many more wounded.

What do you think the message is? The message is that America doesn’t want to lead,” said McCain, chairman on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

They are not sure of American leadership, whether it be in Siberia or whether it be in Antarctica,” he added.

John McStain cares only for John McStain. He hates Trump for one reason only. Trump did what McStain failed to do. He won the presidency. Obama will go down in history as a failed president who did enormous damage to the United States.

McStain has also violated another unwritten rule. A member of Congress does not criticize the sitting president while in another country. Of course, Senator Walking Diaper Stain likes to think of himself as a “Maverick” and that he is outside the rules. It’s time for that other useless idiot in the Senate, Mitch McConnell to start reining in McSlime. Perhaps stripping him of a few of his committee seats would be a good start.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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