Shots fired, Congressman down!

Good day all. This story has been developing all day. Early this morning. Someone fired on the Republican Congressional baseball team in Virginia as they were practicing for an inter-party game later this week.

Representative Steve Scalise, House Majority Whip, representing Louisiana’s 1st District was hit in the hip and is now in critical condition. Three others, including a capitol police officer were also wounding in the, for lack of a better term, firefight. The shooter, James Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois, was killed by other officers who were on site.

Information on the shooter is still being developed, but it looks like he was a Berniebot upset with Donald Trump and the Republicans winning the election. From what his social media postings and tweets show, this nut was so far over on the left, that Karl Marx would be considered to conservative by him.

The story is still developing of course, but the reactions from the left on Twitter are not at all surprising. They think this is a great day and a good start. Fine. You scum want to go “Game ON!”? Fine. You had just better think through what will happen. I’ll give you a hint. It won’t end well for the Progressive Liberal Democrats.

Reactions from members of congress who were on site are basically the same. They’ve had it with Washington D.C.’s suppression of the 2nd Amendment and those that have permits in their home states are going to start carrying. The only reason this wasn’t an outright massacre was the presence of the Capitol Police who were there, probably in plain clothes, acting as security for Representative Scalise. He’s only assigned the detail because of his position as the House GOP whip.

If he hadn’t been there, there would have been no one to stop this raging Moonbat and the carnage would have been massive. Several members of Congress who were there, were basically trapped and couldn’t get out of the area. Only the officers returning fire allowed them to get clear.

What happened is the end result of the Democrats refusal to accept that they lost the election. They’ve been inciting these moonbats to ever greater levels of outrage and violence. Now the first assault has taken place and as usual, it was a Progressive Liberal Democrat who started it. People were already concerned of the raving loons of the left, now they are not going to take chances any longer. The left has shown just how far they will go.

In 1861, the Democrats tried to break up the United States so they could keep their slaves. It looks like they intend to do it again. This time, if it goes that route, (And I hope and pray it isn’t to late to pull these morons back from the edge), the Progressive Liberal Democrats are going to be wiped out. It’s time for the Democrat Elite to shut these idiots down. It’s time for the Mostly Stupid Media to back off. (This means you, Washington Post and New York Times) Shut it down. Now!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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