This is not going to help Ford’s case

Good day all. Last week a story came out that is not going to help Ford Motor Company’s case regarding President Trump’s ideas of taxing imports from Mexico. What happened you ask?

It seems that all the cars being made in Mexico and then shipped into the United States had one additional accessory. Here’s what was found from

The head of the Youngstown Federal Drug Enforcement Administration says a recent marijuana-smuggling operation with ties to Warren is the first of its kind he has seen in this area. In fact, said Bob Balzano, who runs the local DEA office, the only time he has heard of the method being deployed was in April, when a similar discovery was made in Minnesota.

They found marijuana being smuggled in? My first question, among many is, why? Why would smugglers bother when a number of states have said “Go ahead! Have a doobee! It’s legal here! Pot is slowly losing it’s profit margin for smugglers.

The marijuana was found last week inside the wheel well for a spare tire in a new Ford Fusion which was manufactured in Sonora, Mexico, at a Ford dealership in Kent, after one of the vehicles was unloaded from a car carrier, Balzano said. Investigators were then able to find 14 more packages of marijuana in other Fusions, which all came through a rail yard in Warren.

I wonder what gave it away? Probably the 8 empty bags of Cheetoes in the back seat.

All together, about 14.5 per kilos per car, or 400 pounds of marijuana, was found. It has a street value between $400,000 to $1 million.

Really? That much? That actually surprises me, but then I don’t partake of the “Wicked Weed.” (Personal reasons. I just don’t like what drugs and booze do to my head)

The Portage County Sheriff’s Office is also investigating, along with the DEA.

“We’re aware of the situation and are taking it very seriously,” said Kelli Felker, Ford’s communication manager for manufacturing & labor. “We are working with the FBI and Customs on an extensive investigation. We have confirmed that this is not happening at our plant or at our internal shipping yards.”

Translation: “We’re worried that the Feds and local police might want to seize all of Ford’s assets!” In any case, the very fact that these cars were used to smuggle anything continues to prove President Trump’s point on making things in the United States. It may be cheaper to manufacture things in Mexico, but what will it cost if every single new car being transported across the border is stopped for inspection? Especially if that inspection involves a power wrench? You aren’t saving money if the cars are disassembled by the Border patrol and the DEA. Best just make them in America.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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