GOP(e) Congress fails again

The Republican party had just one job to do. Kill Obamacare. They won both houses of congress after Obamacare was rammed down America’s throats by the Democrats. Yesterday, these incompetent failures gave up.

For the last 4 elections, (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016), the Republican party ran on repealing Obamacare. When they were handed both the house and the senate, they managed to put a bill on Der Fubar’s desk, which he promptly vetoed. In 2016, we elected Donald Trump as President. We expected a repeal bill to be on his desk in short order.

Instead, we got crap from Paul “Eddie Munster” Ryan that was sent to the senate. It wasn’t a repeal bill, it was a technocratic “Obamacare fix” bill. In the senate, which has a large number of spineless squishes and NeverTrumpers, McConnell tried to play games.

The upshot? That pickleheaded turtle ended up pulling the bill because there was no way it would pass in it’s current form. Now they are finally beginning to look at a repeal of Obamacare, which is what the Majority of Americans have always wanted. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

President Trump tweeted late Monday that Republicans should “just REPEAL” ObamaCare after two key Republican Senators announced they would not support the bill, ending any chance the bill had of passing the Senate.

Which is what most Americans have wanted all along.

Republican Senators Mike Lee, of Utah and Jerry Moran, of Kansas joined Senators Rand Paul, of Kentucky and Susan Collins of Maine. Republicans hold onto a 52-48 majority and the two senators’ opposition means the bill is effectively dead.

Mike Lee is a NeverTrumper. Paul Rand has always wanted to repeal Obamacare, not fix the damn thing. I don’t know Jerry Moran, and Susan Collins is basically a Proglodyte Democrat pretending to be a Republican.

Republicans should just REPEAL failing ObamaCare now & work on a new Healthcare Plan that will start from a clean slate. Dems will join in!” Trump tweeted.

Which is exactly what should have been done in the first place. Unfortunately, Eddie Munster didn’t get the memo and drew up one of his technocratic gazillion page bills, which he managed to get through the House and sent to the Senate. McCockless, rather then doing his job and redoing it, tried playing Pelosi level games.

Trump appears confident that a straight repeal of ObamaCare is a shoo-in, but moderate Republicans may feel pressure to vote against the legislation. It is also unclear how many Democrats would support the move.

Moderates is another term for RINO or Democrat Lite. People like Susan Collins, John McDiaperStain and Lindsey Grahamnesty to name a few.

Trump’s tweet was in stark contrast to his faith in the Senate just hours before when he predicted the legislation would pass.

That’s because President Trump is a team player, even if morons like McConnell and Ryan aren’t. He gave them their chance to get the job done, and as expected, they failed miserably. If this were the private sector, McConnell and Ryan would be hearing this right about now.

Trump failed to rally support for what has been the GOP’s trademark issue for seven years — ever since President Obama and the Democrats passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

The problem here is that there are to many members of Congress who thought, and actually preferred that Felonia von Pantsuit, aka Hillary Clinton, would win the presidency. When she was defeated, it not only shocked the Proglodytes, it stunned the RINO’s. Now, instead of just obstructing, they have to produce.

Now, they would have control of all three parts of Government, (Presidency, House and Senate), and they didn’t have a clue on what to do. Meanwhile, the scum and villains Democrats are having a field day.

“This second failure of Trumpcare is proof positive that the core of this bill is unworkable,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York said. “Rather than repeating the same failed, partisan process yet again, Republicans should start from scratch and work with Democrats on a bill that lowers premiums, provides long term stability to the markets and improves our health care system.”

You mean like the original Obamacare did UpChuck? Right now, the plan you and the other Proglodytes shoved through, without a single Republican vote, mind you, is collapsing. Since the current mess is what YOU and the other Progressives passed, guess what? You still own it.

Both Ryan and McConnell and their leadership teams need to be removed and replaced. Personally, I would like to see them removed and replaced from Congress, but the earliest that can happen is 2018 and only for Eddie Munster. (McCockless is in for 6 more years, damn it!) Now they should just do a flat out repeal. When the Democrats play their usual filibuster games. McSpineless should nuke it once and for all.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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