Debbie Downer is in Trouble!!

Good day all. The Democrats, desperate to “Stop Trump!” have a small problem on their hands. Actually it’s a rather large problem, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is right smack dab in the middle of it…again.

Last year, when all the hacking of the Democrats computers was happening, everyone blamed the Russians. Then news came out of a family of Pakistani’s who had been hired by the Democrats n Congress to handle their computer systems. It turned out that these people were robbing them blind. They were ordered out of the capital building as the investigations ramped up.

However, several of the Democrat members of Congress continued to pay them even though they weren’t allowed anywhere near the congressional systems. What’s followed is a story right out of a bad crime novel. Now, former head of the DNC and current member of the House of Representatives, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is being pressured to testify against these alleged criminals. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is coming under mounting pressure to explain why she kept an IT aide on the payroll for months after a criminal investigation was revealed, facing calls from Republicans to testify as well as a newly filed ethics complaint.

Wasserman Schultz, the Florida congresswoman who led the Democratic National Committee until last year, terminated Imran Awan’s “part-time” employment last week, when he was arrested at Dulles International Airport trying to fly to Pakistan. He was charged with a bank fraud count.

When the story of what these people were doing broke early this year, security experts were stunned. It didn’t help that the paychecks these “IT People” were getting was easily 3 times industry standards. Now it’s beginning to look like they found things on these computers, many of them systems they didn’t have clearance to even look at, and were blackmailing members of congress.

But he and other former IT aides for House Democrats have been on investigators’ radar screen for months over concerns about possible double-billing, alleged equipment theft and access to sensitive computer systems. Most lawmakers fired Awan in March, but Schultz kept him on, though he was barred from the House IT network.

Now other members of Congress are wondering just what the heck was going on and why Debbie Downer and other Democrat members of Congress kept paying these alleged criminals. (They haven’t been convicted…yet)

“I think she should testify,” Republican Party Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told conservative radio host Dana Loesch on Monday. “If I had a staff member, an IT staff member, who had access to all of our data and all of our infrastructure and he had come under investigation … you better believe I would be cooperating.”

Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., also indicated support on Monday for Schultz testifying, though no such hearing has been formally called at this point.

We have to investigate how our systems may have been compromised, and that may involve putting people in the [witness] chair,” he told “Fox & Friends.”

From what I’ve been reading the last few weeks, it looks like these people had access to everything, including possible secret information. If this is true, it could be even worse then the mess made by Felonia von Pantsuit and her basement mail server.

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), run by former U.S. Attorney Matthew G. Whitaker (a George W. Bush appointee), also filed a complaint to the Office of Congressional Ethics on Monday. The complaint urged an investigation, questioning why Schultz kept paying Awan after he was barred from the House computer system, noting “Members are directly responsible for ensuring their staff are only paid for official public work.”

There is something quite amiss as to why Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued to use taxpayer funds to employ former technology staff member, Imran Awan, even months after he was barred from accessing the House’s computer systems and a number of her colleagues severed ties with Awan,” Whitaker said in a statement.

I think we can hazard a guess. We know that Debbie Downer was colluding with the von Pantsuit campaign to rig the Democrat primary elections to keep Comrade Bernie from becoming the nominee. The Democrats have refused, (Although this may have changed recently), to provide access to all the DNC servers that were hacked, allegedly by #DamnRussianHackers, and the contents released to Wikileaks. This could have provided significant information for extortion.

Now, it looks like the investigation into the Wasserman Schultz IT Scandal is beginning to move forward. In an article posted yesterday by the Washington Free Beacon:

Congress is advancing an investigation into a growing scandal surrounding IT staffers working for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.), who are accused of stealing sensitive computer equipment from House lawmakers’ offices, according to senior congressional sources who told the Washington Free Beacon the Democratic leader’s refusal to answer questions could “merit resignation.”

Congressional leaders have now requested a formal briefing by Capitol Police into its investigation of several Pakistani House IT staffers who are accused of stealing sensitive computer equipment and of illegally penetrating congressional networks.

One of the things I’ve heard regarding this police investigation was Debbie Downer made threats of retaliation against the investigators if they didn’t return the confiscated equipment. I’m sure Debbie Downer will be asked about that report.

Leading members of Congress are growing frustrated with the pace of the criminal investigation and have moved to conduct their own independent probe into the scandal, according to multiple sources who indicated that the relevant congressional committees are making moves to start an investigation, which could include compelling testimony from Wasserman Schultz, who has been accused of stonewalling on the issue.

Debbie’s desire to stonewall is genetic. She is a Proglodyte Democrat after all. Lying, cheating, stealing and stonewalling anything that might hurt the party is instinctive.

Other senior congressional sources who spoke to the Free Beacon about the situation described Wasserman Schultz’s lack of cooperation in the investigation as unsettling, and said that her continued payments to these staffers even after evidence of their illegal activity became public may merit her resignation.

Debbie Downer is not noted for her great intellect. After she was caught rigging the Democrat Primaries, she was forced to step down. Now, if she’s shown to be interfering with a criminal investigation, going so far as to attempting to use her office to protect the alleged criminals, well, resignation would be the least of her problems.

“I’m pushing very heard to get a full briefing from Capitol Police as soon as possible,” DeSantis told the Free Beacon. “There’s clearly criminal elements to this and I think there will be more going on. There’s probably going to be ethics issues on why these [taxpayer] funds were spent that [Wasserman Schultz] and others will have to deal with.”

I think the reason Debbie Downer, and possibly others were using taxpayer funds is simple. They were paying blackmail money and as we all know, Democrats love spending other people’s money.

The scandal is said to have rocked the halls of Congress, despite little mainstream media coverage, sources said.

“The extent of the potential breaches has been made more clear” in recent weeks, according to one senior congressional source who would only speak on background when discussing the sensitive matter. “The inexplicable nature of the conduct of Wassermann Schultz and others has broadened” congressional interest.

I haven’t heard yet if there is “Bipartisan” support for this investigation. Depending how far the scandal goes, we may yet see the Democrats go into full stonewall/cover-up mode. The fact that the Mostly Stupid Media has avoided covering this indicates that the stonewall might be under construction.

The accused staffers are believed to have had access to sensitive intelligence information related to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, as well as lawmaker’s personal information, prompting concerns the breach could be far deeper than initially suspected.

This is one reason that the computer forensics teams from the various law enforcement agencies are holding on to the equipment they’ve either recovered or confiscated as evidence. It isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that classified information was, in fact, accessed by these people and either given or sold to the Pakistani intelligence service. From there, anything of interest would have made it into the hands of assorted enemies of the United States.

Lawmakers such as DeSantis and others have become increasingly interested in questioning Wasserman Schultz about the situation and her behavior.

“Yes, we could ask for her [Wasserman Schultz] to testify” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R., Texas), told the Free Beacon late last week.

Now that would be fun to watch. A sitting member of congress forced to appear before a congressional committee and then asserting her rights under the 5th Amendment and refusing to answer questions. If she does answer truthfully, (Ok, you can stop laughing now), she could incriminate herself and hopefully others. I suspect that Debbie Downer is in her last term as a member of the House of Representatives. Perhaps she will become a member for a few years in “The Big House.”


~The Angry Webmaster~

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