Trump winning on judges

Good day all. One of the reasons people voted for Donald Trump was the disaster that was waiting on the judicial front if Felonia von Pantsuit had won the election. Between her and the Great Mistake, Barack Obama, the proglodyte totalitarian judiciary would have essentially ended the Constitution.

However, Felonia von Pantsuit lost and Donald Trump won. One of the first judicial appointments he made was replacing the Late Antonin Scalia with Neil Gorsuch. To date, Justice Gorsuch has proven to be even better than Scalia was at upholding the Constitution. Now, President Trump is filling all the vacant seats below the level of the Supreme Court and he’s moving even faster then Obama or Bush. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Donald Trump has outpaced his immediate predecessors when it comes to having his choices for federal judgeships confirmed.

The Senate this week approved a fifth Trump nominee, placing Trump on a faster pace for approvals than either President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.

Most recently, Alabama lawyer Kevin Christopher Newsom was confirmed to a seat on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, on a 66-31 vote, with 16 Democrats joining the GOP on the affirmative side, the Washington Times reported.

What? Democrats actually doing their job and confirming judges who intend to uphold the law and Constitution and NOT ignore both and issue rulings that are blatantly unconstitutional on their face? Shocking!

The Trump administration has moved faster on filling judicial vacancies compared to the past administrations, thanks to its commitment to working with and extensively consulting all senators, regardless of political affiliation, to select high-caliber nominees,” Kelly Love, a White House spokesperson, told the newspaper.

Obama had no judges confirmed during his first six months at the White House and it took him until November 2009 to get three circuit nominees approved by the Senate. Bush didn’t have three picks — one circuit judge and two district judges — confirmed until August of his first term.

And when Obama first took office, the Democrats controlled the Senate. As for Bush. His choices leave a lot to be desired. (John “I love Obamacare!” Roberts to name one) Everyone that matters, (Which excludes the Democrats and the Uniparty types), have basically said that President Trump’s picks are just what the country needs.

Considering the recent rulings by assorted Obama Judges, and how they fly in the face of the law and the Constitution, it will be nice to see the pendulum swing back to at least the center, and preferably back to upholding the Constitution and NOT finding things in it that were never there in the first place. Once again, President Trump, with no help from the GOP(e), media, democrats and the Uniparty, is making America Great Again.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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