Democrats panicking over Obamacare

Good day all. Now that the GOP(e) has screwed over the American People with their blinding incompetence, it looks like Obamacare is going to go down hard. This is causing the Democrats to begin to panic.

Seven years ago, when they shoved this pile of horse manure down the throats of the American People, they excluded the Republicans from any input at all. The proglodytes were told that this mess wouldn’t work and the ignored everyone. Now, no thanks to people like John McSlime, Obamacare is now rapidly collapsing. The Democrats have finally figured out that they’re the ones who will be held responsible, not the Republicans. They are scrambling to fix the mess they made. Here are the details from Fox News:

After fighting Republicans tooth-and-nail for years on their plans to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Democrats have in a matter of days started touting a slew of proposals aimed at improving the ailing health care system.

This disaster can’t be improved, only killed. But hey, Democrats. The one thing the excel in is reinforcing abject failure.

The Democrats’ scramble to tackle the problem comes after Senate Republicans endured a high-profile failure on their so-called ‘skinny repeal’ replacement bill last week, leaving unclear whether Republicans can ever get the votes to go it alone on health care.

Sadly, we may have to wait until 2018. I suspect we’re going to see a number of senators and representatives who are up for reelection facing primary opponents. Why? They promised to end Obamacare and when the time came, the showed their usual courage.

Given the difficulty in locking down GOP support, some Republicans have welcomed the prospect of bipartisan talks.

Yeah, it’s the usual suspects probably led by that scumbag John McSlime.

At the same time, some Democratic ideas — such as those that swell the deficit — may find little support on the Republican side.

Unless it’s a full repeal, forget it. Roll everything back to where things started, THEN we can look at putting something new in place. Personally, I think something that is market based…for once, would be good.

But the proposals could reflect a party, like the GOP, concerned about public backlash if ObamaCare’s problems escalate into the 2018 midterm election year — amid President Trump’s warnings of a looming collapse.

The problem for the Proglodytes is, they’re Progressive Soviet style totalitarians. Their base has moved so far to the left that nothing short of a Communist style state will satisfy them. I really do hope they double down and try to push a socialist single payer system. To date, the states that have looked at it gave up when they found out just how much it would cost.

Voters will take this out on both parties next year,” warned Jason Pye, vice president of legislative affairs at the conservative FreedomWorks.

Yes and no. I do see a number of RINO’s being shown the door, probably in their primaries. (Can we say Good bye and good riddance to Paul Ryan? SURE we can!!) For the Democrats, they’re looking to lose seats, and moving even harder to the left will probably just cause more to go red then they anticipated.

Zero Democrats voted for the latest plan that failed in the Senate, a factor that fuels skepticism on the Republican side about calls, like that from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for “serious bipartisan conversations.”

Of course Pelosi isn’t serious. She isn’t all there either. She has delusions of retaking the speakers gavel, but I think she will be lucky to retain her seat. Her mental state, never good in the first place, appears to be degrading rapidly.

“Democrats have always had a vision for how to fundamentally improve health care in this country whereas Republicans have spent seven years fixated on one thing: repealing it,” House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., told Fox News.

Improve it? They’ve wrecked it! I used to have great insurance. I was grandfathered in when Obamacare was passed. I had to give it up due to the rate increases that doubled my premiums in 4 years. Tell me again how I was going to save $2500 a year?

This week, multiple factions of the House Democratic Caucus met behind closed doors to discuss potential proposals.

And those proposal are?

Some would aim to codify cost-sharing reduction payments, lower the cost of prescription drugs, and strengthen consumer protections to ensure premium increases are stabilized, according to the aide. Another Democratic proposal reportedly would allow people ages 50-64 to buy into Medicare.

So a continuation of ever increasing government control? I see someone isn’t getting the message from the last election.

Staffers from both the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Congressional Black Caucus told Fox News they plan to introduce ideas as well.

Ideas? What ideas? These morons haven’t had an original idea in like…ever.

The CPC will focus on additional options for public health care access to address counties losing insurers; and the CBC will roll out a “mini omnibus bill” for health care, pulling together legislation from all 49 members of their caucus and focusing on “expanding community health centers.”

And how are these going to be paid for? I can give you an an easy answer. Massive new taxes of course. They don’t have any ideas or clues. They screwed everything up in the first place and their answers will always be to make a bad situation even worse.

Meanwhile, a bipartisan group has formed in the House calling themselves “The Problem Solvers,” also eyeing potential health care fixes.

Problem solvers? More like Problem causers. When you hear the words “Bipartisan group” run. What you will actually have are Progressive totalitarian Democrats and spineless RINO’s from the GOP(e).

I don’t think anyone should get too excited or too critical,” Krone said. “Just let them go talk and see what comes out of it—both parties need to have an honest discussion.”

Honesty is something that is a totally alien concept to 99% of these scum. The remaining 1% have an inkling of an idea what honesty is, but they just go have another drink to forget it.

Also this week, leaders of the Senate Health, Education, Pension & Labor Committee announced plans to begin public hearings for debate on health care starting Sept. 4, something Sen. John McCain (who helped kill the ‘skinny repeal’) suggested last week.

Why doesn’t McSlime just hurry up and die already?

Despite the bipartisanship calls, one thing is clear: Democrats will never agree to conservatives’ call for an outright repeal.

Of course not. Democrats believe in the absolute power of the state over the rights of the individual. There is no way they will ever restore this nation to what the founders wanted. No, what they want is to return the United States to Europe and Make America a Colony Again.

As for the prospect of a feared voter backlash, Pelosi said on “Fox News Sunday” over the weekend that 2018 was “so unimportant” and Democrats need to focus on “debate on a better deal.”

Pelosi may be senile, but I think she understands that 2018 has the potential to be a major blowout against the Beltway Uniparty. Primarily Democrats, but not a few Establishment Republicans could, and should be shown the door.

Nevertheless, some Senate Republicans have welcomed Democrats to the process. Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., said they needed to “stick with” health care and “end it.”

The end is going to be sitting down with our colleagues from the other side of the aisle and getting something passed,” Flake said on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.”

Flake is in trouble back in Arizona. He, like McSlime, have screwed over their constituents one to many times. Flake being a long term Never Trumper isn’t helping him. Basically, he lied to the voters and now it’s up to them to get rid of him.

Obamacare is going down and that’s that. President Trump needs to start undoing all the executive orders of questionable legality that Obama issued to try and save his “baby.” He can start with ending the illegal payments to the insurance companies and then strip congress of their “Special privileges” under Obamacare. Make them all suffer for their actions.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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