Mueller impanels grand jury

Good day all. Yesterday, news broke that Robert Mueller, a corrupt Beltway Uniparty swamp dweller, has impaneled a grand jury to look into…What, I’m not sure.

Allegedly, Mueller and his team of jackbooted, Clinton supporting thugs were supposed to look into Russian interference in the 2016 election. However, Mueller, who has a massive conflict of interest, looks to be going on a fishing expedition. Now, with this grand jury, he is going to do everything he can to “Get Trump.” Here are some of the details from the McClatchy DC Bureau:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller III received a bipartisan boost from Capitol Hill on Thursday, even as news broke that he’d moved to a more serious phase of his investigation of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and whether Donald Trump’s campaign or associates colluded with Moscow to help him win the presidency.

You know, I’m still waiting for what actual criminal statutes are supposed to have been violated. I keep asking and I do not get an answer.

In a clear warning to the president not to mess with Mueller, two bipartisan sets of senators Thursday proposed laws that would require judicial oversight of the firing of a special counsel.

And you expect President Trump to actually sign such a blatantly unconstitutional bill?

Angered over the ongoing Russia probe, Trump has talked about firing Mueller. Meanwhile, the special counsel, who has been on the job less than three months, has recently impaneled a grand jury in Washington, the logical next step in the inquiry, which has been built on many months of investigating by the FBI.

And what has the FBI actually found? So far as I know, plenty of criminality by the previous administration. Crimes by President Trump? A year in and they have found nothing, since there isn’t anything to find.

As for President Trump being angry? He has every right to be. Mueller should never have been appointed, since he is best friends of that other scumbag, James Comey. He has a definite conflict of interest. I wonder, has Mueller begun investigating the leaks Comey admitted to? I understand several of the memos he released were classified and covered under the espionage act.

Now Mueller will have the power to issue subpoenas for documents — the president’s long-withheld tax returns, for instance – and will be able compel prospective witnesses to testify.

And if those tax forms are “Leaked” Mueller and his merry band of inquisitors will be on the street so fast it will make their heads swim. There is also the question of why would he need to see those tax forms in the first place?

“We need to get answers, and if this is the next step in getting answers, he should take it,” said Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash. Cantwell is a member of the Intelligence Committee, which is probing many of the same areas as Mueller.

What answers? To what questions? What we’re seeing is the end game of the Democrats and the Never Trumpers in the GOP(e). They will stop at literally nothing to get Donald Trump.

“If true that Mueller has impaneled a grand jury, suggests his work is proceeding,” tweeted Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat and the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, which is also investigating. “All the more important that Congress protect his independence.”

Schiff has been instrumental in trying to negate the 2016 election. He has worked tirelessly to help cover up the criminal activities of the Obama Regime. Things like the unmasking of citizens accidentally caught up in NSA surveillance, and the apparent spying on the Trump transition team after the election.

Now, what may happen with this grand jury? One of the things that could cause this to backfire badly on Mueller and the Beltway Uniparty is the Trump legal team finding out just what Mueller is doing. If he does keep this a narrowly focused investigation as was his mandate, then he will find nothing. If Mueller is going on a fishing expedition, the nature of the legal documents and questions asked of witness will tell the lawyers that Mueller is out of control.

Another thing that these morons in the Uniparty refuse to consider is that Trump’s support in the country is still very high among his base. Last night on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox, Charles Krauthammer, a first ranked Never Trumper said that last night’s rally in West Virginia showed that President Trump’s base still has his back. Here are some of those details from Fox News:

Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer labeled President Donald Trump’s rally in West Virginia on Thursday night a “very important demonstration” by the president to reaffirm that his base still had his back.

Here’s a guy whose numbers are down in the 30s,” Krauthammer said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “He’s got this grand jury, reports of a grand jury being convened, he’s got the walls kind of closing in on him in Washington. And here he’s going out into the country and saying ‘These are my people. These are real people. Forget about the numbers. Forget about the chatter in Washington. Forget about the stories about Russia – which he spent a lot of time on – but I represent a huge constituency of tremendous support and enthusiasm.’”

He does, and the Proglodytes, Beltway Uniparty Swamp dwellers and GOP(e), need to be very concerned. These people elected Donald Trump for one reason. They have had it with the scum and villainy infesting the the Halls of Government in Washington D.C. and they want it cleaned out.

Krauthammer said that Trump wasn’t “very specific on policy” but was able to appeal to those in attendance at his rally anyway. “He said, ‘I’m bringing you guys back. I’m the only one who listened. You were abandoned,’” Krauthammer said. “That’s his appeal. That’s how he won the election and he’s reminding the elites that that appeal is still there.”

That attraction, the commentator said, could prove to be consequential if Democrats continue to aim to bring the president down.

I do believe that Doctor Krauthammer might just have gotten a clue.

I think we’re really headed into very choppy and dangerous constitutional waters,” Krauthammer said. “We know what the Democrats want to do. They want to get control of the House and on day one they’re going to start impeachment. Now I happen to think, as you know, I opposed the Trump candidacy.

I don’t think he’s very well fit for the presidency. But fitness is not a reason for impeachment and removal. High crimes are. Here, we have a prosecutor looking for high crimes.

With Watergate you started with a crime and then you try to find out how it happened. Here, they’re looking for a crime. Perhaps they’ll find one, I don’t know. As of yet I haven’t heard of one. Collusion is unseemly but it ain’t a crime.”

And right there is the problem with Robert Mueller and this “Investigation.” There was no crime listed. When the first special prosecutor was went to work looking into Richard Nixon’s involvement with the Watergate break in, they had an actual crime that had occurred, one that involved members of the Nixon administration. All this investigation into President Trump is doing is causing him to get distracted from Making America Great Again, something that the Democrat, Uniparty and GOP(e) aren’t to interested in doing.

So, you’ve got a political establishment, mostly Democratic but there are some Republicans, who would like to see him taken out of office,” Krauthammer continued. “I think that would be a catastrophic mistake. It would cause a rupture in the country where people would say ‘When we people, the ones who’ve been abandoned, elect somebody we like, our guy gets taken out? I thought we had a stable democracy.’”

Not catastrophic Dr. Krauthammer, (FYI, Charles Krauthammer is an actual doctor specializing in Psychiatry), more along the lines of lethal. If the Beltway Uniparty forces President Trump out on bogus charges, I really think you’re going to see the guns coming out of the closets. People will know that they have no hope left and decide that the only way to get things “Fixed”, is to use whatever means they can to remove the problems.

That is absolutely the last thing we want to see. It would be a second American Civil War, and it will be far far worse then the last one. The Democrats and their proglodyte base might believe they would win, but the people they’ve been assaulting for the last few decades are also the most heavily armed segment of the American population. Unlike that Moonbat nutcase a few months ago, these people know how to shoot, and a fair number have served in the military. Do we really want that to happen? I sure as Hell don’t, and many of the people I know don’t want it either.

It’s time to shut this whole thing down and chalk it up to sour grapes on the part of the Democrats and the GOP(e) Never Trumpers. You lost. You were rejected. You don’t get a do over. Now get to work fixing the mess you morons have made of this country before it’s to late for all of us.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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