James Comey did rig the investigation

Good day all. Well, the hits, they just keep coming. Several months after President Trump booted James Comey’s useless but out the door, more information has come to light on just how badly he handled the Felonia von Pantsuit matter.

New information has come to light that Comey had begun working on his “Not going to indict the bitch under any circumstances” memo before the investigation had even question Felonia and her minions. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Then-FBI Director James Comey began drafting a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton in the investigation into her private email use before interviewing key witnesses, including Clinton herself, two Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Thursday.

Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation,” Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham wrote in a letter this week to the FBI.

It is when you’re planning on white washing things.

The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy.”

The FBI being held to ANY standard would be a switch. The agency has a long history of cover-ups and political investigations. The blame for this isn’t with James Comey, it goes back to Jane Edna Hoover. This is why I want the FBI abolished, it’s senior people shown the door and Comey indicted.

Grassley and Graham said they learned about Comey’s draft “exoneration statement” after reviewing transcripts of interviews with top Comey aides.

According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton,” the senators said.

I have no doubt those transcripts were never meant to see the light of day. The whole idea was to get Felonia’s fat corrupt ass into the Oval Office by any means necessary. Brooming the case against her was the top priority, not shoving her crooked butt into a nice prison cell.

They added, “That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts.”

Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, was investigated by the FBI for using a private email address and server to handle classified information while serving as secretary of state. In July 2016, Comey famously called Clinton’s email arrangement “extremely careless” though he decided against recommending criminal charges.

It wasn’t careless, it was a felony. That server was hacked six ways to Sunday by everyone. Top Secret information went through it that should never have left the State Departments air gapped network. There are people in federal prison right now who did a lot less then Felonia.

In a news release Thursday, the senators said Comey began drafting a statement in April or May 2016, which was before the FBI interviewed 17 key witnesses, including Clinton herself and other top aides. The statement preceded the FBI entering into an immunity agreement with top Clinton aides with Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson.

Those immunity deals are another thing that really need to be looked into. Mills alone should never have gotten one, and from what I’ve seen, she should have been prosecuted. But then Comey has always worshiped at the feet of the Clintons.

It is unclear whether the FBI agents actually investigating the case were aware that Mr. Comey had already decided on the investigation’s outcome while their work was ongoing,” the senators wrote.

Somehow I doubt they knew. If they had, you can bet this information would have been in the hands of Congress withing hours.

In the Wednesday letter to FBI Director Chris Wray, the two senators said they have requested all records relating to the drafting of the statement.

I have little doubt they will get those records too. This isn’t the Obama Regime, and Loretta Lynch, (Oooh! A racist name! She will need to change it!!), and Eric Holder are no longer around to bury things. This is really looking bad for not just Comey, but also Robert Mueller. One of his goals has been to protect his bestest buddy, James Comey. With this coming out, we might just see someone going to jail for Obstruction. It just won’t be anyone in the Trump Administration, much to the dismay of Proglodytes everywhere.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to James Comey did rig the investigation

  1. BruceInVA says:

    Call me impatient. I’m still waiting for the first swamp creature in decades to be perp walked to a holding cell for booking. I’ll relent when Cankles and Berserk Insane Obozo are convicted of treason.


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