The Democrats Dilemma, Robert Menendez

Good day all. The senator from New Jersey, Robert Menendez, is currently on trial fro corruption. The judge has refused him permission to skip the trial so he can vote in Congress. This, along with Menendez being on trial in the first place, present some problems for the Democrats.

If Menendez were to do the honorable thing and resign his seat, then the Jersey Whale, aka Governor Chris Christie, will be able to appoint his replacement. This means a pickup of one seat, at least in the short term, for the Beltway RINO’s. If he doesn’t resign, and is forced to miss critical votes, then the Democrats are down one vote anyway.

The final problem is what happens if Menendez is convicted and still refuses to resign? This is where the fun begins. As a convicted criminal, the Senate can and probably will hold a vote to expel him from office. This requires a two thirds vote of the senate which means the Democrats will have to go on record as giving one of their own the boot.

Here is where it gets really interesting. If push comes to shove, will the Democrats vote to punish one of their own, or will they protect him even though he is a convicted felon? If they vote to expel him, and Christie is still governor, they lose the seat until the next election. (It’s a fairly safe bet they will get it back. New Jersey is a blue state after all)

If they decide to keep him in place until Christie is replaced as governor next January, in the hope that a Democrat takes his place, well, the campaign ads will write themselves. The Democrats will be shown, once again, as being the “Party of Corruption”, one that will always protect the party and ignore the rule of law, the constitution and the Citizens of the Untied States. This time, if they vote to protect a convicted felon, the anticipated congressional slaughter in 2018 will be even worse than is currently anticipated.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive! To top it off, the evidence coming out at the trial seems to indicate that a lot more Democrats may have had a hand in helping Menendez “Fix” things for the person who allegedly bribed him. Harry Reid is one such person. Even though he is out of the Senate, if it is shown that he was aiding and abetting? Well, the two of them can have adjoining cells.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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