de Blasio wants a parade

Good day all. New York City mayor, Comrade Bill de Blasio thinks he’s a terrific mayor. So terrific that he wants the city to honor him by giving him a parade in his honor.

No, I’m not kidding. He really thinks that he’s the best mayor New York has ever had. Here are the amusing details from Fox News:

Mayor de Blasio claims he’s running the city so well that “you’d assume they’d be having parades out in the streets” — and insisted he’d be more popular if it weren’t for “the time in history.”

When I think about how crime’s gone down for four years, graduation rates up, test scores are up, more jobs than ever in our history — I think, ‘Wow, just that quick profile, any candidate anywhere would want it,’?” he boasted to New York magazine.

You’d assume they’d be having parades out in the streets. But that’s not the time in history we’re living in,” he arrogantly added.

de Blasio is not considered by a large number of New Yorkers to be “The greats thing since sliced bread.” In fact, there is some question as to whether or not he will even be reelected.

De Blasio’s job-approval rating plummeted over the summer to a 50 to 42 percent margin, according to a Quinnipiac University survey released in late July. New Yorkers are split — 46 percent to 46 percent — on whether he deserves a second term, the poll found.

The ones that want him to run again probably don’t spend a lot of time in the city, collect welfare checks, aren’t in the United States legally in the first place, or are part of the criminal class.

The mayor admitted he had made “missteps” and had “insufficiencies as a communicator” — but said New Yorkers were simply taking out their frustrations with the current economic climate on their leaders.

Now there’s the understatement of the year. The last I heard, and granted, I don’t pay much attention to this snot wad, he was in a photo finish with a criminal investigation.

The Great Recession, specifically, but really the decades of people being economically stagnant, deeply affected people’s views, understandably,” de Blasio said. “And the increased cost of living around here.”

No kidding numbnuts. Between the Marxist, totalitarian taxes and regulations people in New York have to deal with, only the wealthiest can afford to be in the city. Businesses are collapsing because your regulatory storm troopers make it impossible to actually make a profit. Flipping over to the New York Post:

As for the investigations into his campaign fundraising, Hizzoner said “everyday New Yorkers” are far more concerned with the issues that affect their lives.

Some political insiders, maybe they’ve come to certain conclusions,” he said. “But for everyday New Yorkers? They didn’t see anything wrong, and they’re right, because there wasn’t anything wrong.”

But the vast majority of New Yorker voters — 78 percent — believe he should raise his own money to pay for the lawyers who represented him during the probes — and not take the funds from taxpayers, the Quinnipiac survey found.

And Bill de Blasio’s opinion on that? About what you would expect from a Proglodyte Democrat with delusions of honesty, integrity and competence.

De Blasio initially said he would raise the $2 million to cover his legal bills, then announced in June he would have the city pay for it.

Mayor “Spoiled Brat” seems to think no one cares that he’s a corrupt plutocrat.

He pushed back against media reports about his regular jaunts to his old gym in Brooklyn — again saying regular New Yorkers just don’t care. The trips from Gracie Mansion to the Park Slope YMCA require two gas-guzzling SUVs.

Everyday people do not raise that concern to me, ever,” de Blasio said. “If the worst you can say about someone is he goes to the gym, that’s a pretty good situation in today’s world.”

Since when do you talk with actual people dim bulb? The NY Post story on Bill de Blasio is devastating. It shows him to be nothing more than your typical “Limousine Liberal” who truly believe that the world owe him, and he’s going to take whatever he wants because he deserves it.

Dim Bulb de Blasio is typical of people on the left. Spoiled, tone deaf, and living in a bubble. He has no real understanding of the world as it is, only as he thinks it should be. Bil de Blasio doesn’t deserve a pared in his honor, he deserves to be run out of town on a rail. Unfortunately, the voters in New York are some of the stupidest in the country, so I have little doubt this twerp will manage to get reelected.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to de Blasio wants a parade

  1. BruceInVA says:

    I’ll not be visiting the big Apple any time soon. Don’t want to contribute my hard-earned dollars to aid his economy, and the stupid ones that voted for him. Yes, stupidity should have consequences. And for voting in this guy, New Yorkers, in the inimical words of H. L. Mencken, “… deserve to get it good and hard.”


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