TRUMP COLLUS…Um, wait, what?

Good day all. Well, it looks like Robert Mueller may have decided that it was time to turn on the Clintons and all the others who have been screaming “Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Sainted Hillary!”

The recent disclosures regarding the Uranium One scandal, or “NukeGate”, (Hey! If it’s not a “Gate” it isn’t a scandal), and the apparent bribery and cover up of the investigation is starting to hit rather close to home for Mueller. Why? He was the Director of the FBI at that time. Now he’s begun to start looking at people not associated at all with Donald Trump or his campaign and Administration. Here are the details from Fox News:

Tony Podesta, a powerful Democratic lobbyist and the brother of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, reportedly has entered Robert Mueller’s investigative crosshairs as the special counsel’s office probes whether his firm violated federal law.

NBC News first reported that Podesta and his Democratic lobbying firm are now subjects in the special counsel’s Russia investigation, after inquiries regarding former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s finances.

So, what is it that Mueller and his merry band of Gestapo goons think they’ve found?

According to Monday’s NBC News report, Manafort organized a PR campaign for a pro-Ukraine nonprofit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU), which reportedly was backed by a pro-Russia party. The Podesta Group reportedly was one of many firms that worked on the campaign.

According to NBC News, Mueller’s team began looking at Podesta and his company and is now pursuing a criminal inquiry into whether the company violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

So, this has nothing to do with NukeGate Uranium One then? What this looks like is just another fishing expedition by Mueller with the goal of actually looking like he’s doing something, as well as appearing to be “Even Handed” in his investigation. Considering Mueller and his team’s track record, I suspect they’re just going to try and railroad a few people to pump up their resume’s. It’s not like they haven’t done this in the past.

Personally, I think Uranium One will sink Mueller and Comey along with pretty much the entire Obama Regime. Mueller might be trying to buy himself some time and breathing room, but in the end, he’s going to have to answer some very pointed questions on why he aided and abetted handing over America’s strategic resources to a hostile power.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to TRUMP COLLUS…Um, wait, what?

  1. NoBS NoSpam says:

    I want both John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi indicted in a Material Court (Military hearing) for signing off our National assets to a foreign agent.
    Under their Oath of Office, they have not violated civilian law. This is an attack on the US Government. This was a Military crime upon our nation.


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