Manchin to Felonia: Stay the Hell AWAY!

Good day all. It looks like Felonia von Pantsuit, thanks to Uranium One, is radioactive, politically speaking. She’s being told to stay away from West Virginia.

This has to be a real slap in the face for poor Felonia. A year ago, politicians were begging for her to come in. Now, they don’t want her anywhere near them. Here are the details from Fox News:

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, who is up for re-election in 2018, said it “wouldn’t be wise” for Hillary Clinton to campaign for him in his home state of West Virginia.

He was asked during an interview that aired Sunday on MSNBC’s “Kasie DC,” if he was a “dead man walking” after President Trump won West Virginia by a wide margin in the 2016 presidential contest.

“I sure don’t think so,” he replied, listing off his prior political posts in the state and saying of himself, “I’m just West Virginia, period. It’s not Democrat, Republican to me.”

I think Manchin sees the writing on the wall. It’s very likely that he will be invited to seek other opportunities elsewhere. As for Felonia coming in to help?

Asked if he’d like Clinton to campaign for him, Manchin immediately derided the notion.

“It wouldn’t be wise for Hillary to come to West Virginia. It wouldn’t be a good thing for her or for me,” he replied.

In other words, he would prefer not to be tarred, feathered and strung up from the nearest lamp post. Now I wonder why he would think that is even a possibility? According to the Washington Examiner:

Manchin maintained that he and the Clintons are friends, but seemed to indicate that comments Clinton made about coal country, in which West Virginia is the heart, during the 2016 campaign were irreconcilable with his political prospects in the state.

Felonia’s statements to the voters of Coal Country that she fully intended to throw them out of work probably wasn’t the wisest of political remarks. If Manchin had been up for reelection in 2016, he would probably be looking into an empty glass and thinking, “That God Damn sociopathic BITCH!”

Manchin maintained that he and the Clintons are friends, but seemed to indicate that comments Clinton made about coal country, in which West Virginia is the heart, during the 2016 campaign were irreconcilable with his political prospects in the state.

In March 2016, Clinton said, “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business” if she was elected president. Clinton, who pitched $30 billion program to revitalize the region that had been hemorrhaging thousands of mining jobs by helping it transition to renewable energy development, later said that comment was a “misstatement” after being confronted by a laid-off coal miner at a West Virginia campaign stop.

Felonia made a lot of misstatements. Those misstatements could be more accurately called, “Accidentally telling the truth.” After the devastation of the coal industry under the Obama Regime, telling coal workers that “I’m going to throw you out of work and on to welfare you peasants. Now be good little slaves and do as I tell you.”

Manchin supported and campaigned for Clinton during her campaign, but said at the time that her remarks were “horrible.”

I didn’t know Manchin was from England. Saying that Felonia von Pantsuits remarks were horrible is like saying the Dresden firestorms of World War Two were a minor trash fire. I hate to tell you Manchin, but even keeping Felonia out of West Virginia is probably not going to save you. You’re a Democrat and the Democrats today do not represent the people of West Virginia…Or Pluto for that matter. If I were you, I would start looking for a new job.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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