Jeff Flake flake’s out

Good day all. I was out all day yesterday and wasn’t able to comment on anything. When I got home, I saw in my news feed that Senator Jeff Flake, (R – AZ), had announced that he would not be seeking reelection in 2018.

From what I’ve been reading, Flake, who has been a Never Trumper since last year, gave a “Speech” that if you read it, sounds like it could have been given by UpChuck Schumer or San Fran Nan Pelosi. He then announced that he would not be seeking reelection.

Flake has been essentially worthless as a Republican senator. He and his best buddy, John McSlime, have a history of outright lying to their constituents and ignoring what they actually wanted. When you think of a Washington D.C. swamp dweller, Flake was high on the list.

Finally, Steve Bannon, formally of the Trump Administration and now back running Breitbart, had enough of Flake’s constant betrayals and announced he was going to work have him primaried. President Trump agreed and Flake had a competitive challenger in Kelli Ward. Now that Flake is out, I suspect she’s going to be a shoo-in as the Republican candidate in 2018.

The Democrats are also thinking that now they have a chance to regain both the house and senate, and once they do, start their impeachment hearings as well as close down any further investigations into the corruption of the Obama regime and Felonia von Pantsuit.

They might want to rethink that. What’s happening in the Republican Party is a much needed house cleaning. For to long, the “Establishment” Republicans, such as the Bush family, have been running things. They have, for decades, worked to create what is called the “Beltway Uniparty.” That party’s goal was the care and feeding of the “Ruling Elite.” President Trump was elected to drain the swamp and Make America Great Again, and he has been working toward that goal since day one.

Flake has actively worked to subvert this goal, and was called on it. His hatred of President Trump finally reached the point where his own constituents had finally had enough. The polls showed people in Arizona were fed up with both Flake and McSlime, and the chances of Flake winning in his primary were not good. So, in true RINO fashion, the big crybaby quit and is running away. Good bye and good riddance. I’m sure you and your RINO pal, Bob Corker will be quite happy together whining about how ungrateful the voters are.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Jeff Flake flake’s out

  1. BruceInVA says:

    Flake and Corker don’t want to be Cantored (oh, I love that verb courtesy of yours truly and friends here in VA-7).

    Now, if we could convince Cochrane, Murkowski, Collins, Cornyn, and Rubio to spend more time with their family.

    Cruz may well get Cantored next year.

    And in Fantasyland, Menendez will resign after his conviction and NJ elects a conservative Republican senator.


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