Sayonara Koskinen, and good riddance

Good day all. Another Obama holdover has been shown the door. The only question is, why it took so long. President Trump has terminated, (Unfortunately NOT with extreme prejudice), Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, John Koskinen.

Koskinen should have been fired on the first day of President Trump’s administration. His actions as IRS commissioner, covering up the crimes of Lois Lerner and the suppression of the Tea Party groups, should have gotten him fired at best. At worst, from his standpoint, would have been a trial and conviction. Instead, he was allowed to finish his term. Here are the details from Fox News:

The White House has named a Treasury official to succeed John Koskinen at the helm of the IRS next month, while allowing the controversial commissioner to finish out his five-year term. David Kautter will serve as acting IRS commissioner beginning Nov. 13, the last day of Koskinen’s term, the White House said.

Assistant Secretary Kautter has had an illustrious 40-year career in tax policy, and I am confident that the IRS and the American people will benefit from his experience and insight,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement, noting the Senate would still have to confirm a permanent commissioner.

I hope this guy isn’t like his predecessor. Of course, Koskinen’s actions as commissioner did lead to calls to remove him. He basically lied to congress and moved heaven and earth to not find things the Congressional oversight committees wanted.

Koskinen was brought in to lead the agency in the wake of that scandal, but Republicans criticized him for an allegedly slow response. GOP lawmakers for months had called on Trump to remove Koskinen before the end of his five-year term.

In March, Republican Study Committee Chairman Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., and 53 other House Republicans penned a letter to Trump calling for Koskinen’s ouster.

In April, then-Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and 37 other House members sent another letter to the White House calling for Koskinen to be “immediately removed.”

I’m one of those who wanted Koskinen gone much sooner, preferably in handcuffs.

While Republicans wanted Koskinen out sooner, the administration drew praise from conservative groups on Thursday for settling the Tea Party targeting case.

It is improper for the IRS to single out groups for different treatment based on their names or ideological positions,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement Thursday.

And this leads to another person who should have been put on trial for her actions, Lois Lerner. If Koskinen were an actual, ethical commissioner of the IRS, he wold have canned her ass within a week of taking office. Instead, he allowed her to retire with a full 6-figure pension.

Court documents showed that the IRS offered an apology to conservative groups.

The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determination process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding some Plaintiffs’ information that TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency’s determination of their tax-exempt status, was wrong,” the IRS said in court documents. “For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.”

I don’t want an apology from these thugs, I want JAIL TERMS!! Lengthy ones. At least the Trump Administration is continuing with their promise to clean up this rats nest of corruption that the Obama Regime left behind. Still, there are way to many of these swamp creatures dwelling inside the Beltway. The swamp needs to be drained and the swamp dwellers staked out in the sun. Literally if possible.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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