Leaks from Mueller’s office, Indictment Monday

Good day all. News came out Friday that Mueller’s office had secured an indictment against….someone, and that an arrest would be made Monday.

There are a few issues with this. First, the timing. Last week, the news came out that the “Infamous Dossier” on President Trump, the one that has been used to say he colluded with Russia to rig the election to defeat the Sainted Felonia von Pantsuit, (AKA Hillary Clinton), was actually paid for by…Felonia von Pantsuit.

On top of this, more information came out on the Uranium One scandal, and that it appears that the Obama InJustice Department all but buried the information that massive bribery was taking place. To top that off, which is why people are questioning the timing of this indictment, Robert Mueller was the head of the FBI at that time and would have known all about the investigation.

The second thing, and by far even more scandalous, is how this information on a SEALED indictment made it out to the press. For the better part of a year, the Mueller inquisition has been leaking like a sieve. People are asking very pointed questions about these leaks and this indictment. Here are the details from Fox News:

Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, the leader of the House’s top investigative committee, slammed special counsel Robert Mueller on Sunday for allowing the news media to learn that he and his legal team now have charges in their Russia investigation.

In the only conversation I’ve had with Robert Mueller, I stressed to him the importance of cutting out the leaks,” Gowdy, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s kind of ironic that the people charged with investigating the law and the violations of the law would violate the law.”

Actually, Representative Gowdy, it isn’t. Mueller and his team of Gestapo thugs were brought in to destroy President Trump, not to do an honest investigation. If Mueller were an honest and ethical person, he would have ended this investigation months ago.

Make no mistake, disclosing grand jury material is a violation of the law. Somebody violated their oath of secrecy,” Gowdy, a South Carolina lawmaker and former federal prosecutor, also told Fox News on Sunday.

The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday that anyone charged will be taken into custody Monday. However, the charges have been sealed by a federal judge. So whoever is charged and whether the charges are criminal remains unclear.

Interestingly, the people who might actually be targets have not been notified. I understand that this is not common under these circumstances. However, I’m certainly no expert. I have a sneaking suspicion that Mueller’s team wants to put on a media show and kick in a door somewhere and drag out the person or persons in shackles.

The possible charges come as Mueller’s tactics have been called into question. During a raid by the FBI in July of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s Virginia home, a source close to the investigation told Fox News at the time the scope of the search was “heavy-handed, designed to intimidate.”

As I recall, the information that Mueller and his merry band of thugs recovered was already in the hands of Congress.

Andrew Weissmann, the prosecutor tapped by Mueller to help lead the investigation, has also received criticism. Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor recently wrote about Weissman in a piece titled, “Judging by Mueller’s staffing choices, he may not be very interested in justice.”

Whatever gave you that idea? The interesting fact that many of the “Big Name” convictions by these weasels, such as Enron, were generally reversed on appeal and that the appellate courts slammed the prosecutors for ethical violations?

Powell accused Weissmann, once the director of the Enron Task Force, of “prosecutorial overreach” in past cases and said it could signal what’s to come for President Trump and his associates in the Russia probe.

What was supposed to have been a search for Russia’s cyberspace intrusions into our electoral politics has morphed into a malevolent mission targeting friends, family and colleagues of the president,” Powell wrote in The Hill. “The Mueller investigation has become an all-out assault to find crimes to pin on them — and it won’t matter if there are no crimes to be found. This team can make some.”

And this is why Mueller needs to be shut down, and a special prosecutor installed to investigate HIM. Now, one of the possibilities being bandied about is that the indictment actually has nothing to do with President Trump or his campaign.

During a Saturday appearance on Fox News, former Department of Justice official Robert Driscoll told anchor Leland Vittert it’s possible the indictment might not even be directly tied to Russian collusion.

Think back to the Clinton years,” Driscoll said. “The Whitewater investigation was about an Arkansas land deal. And it ended up being about something else completely.”

And if you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you. Mueller should never have been appointed. He has massive conflicts of interest, and, under some scenarios, could be facing criminal charges himself. He was brought in, as I mentioned earlier, to get Donald Trump, as well as protect his best buddy, James Comey. We shall find out tomorrow if Mueller is going to be an actual, honest, ehtical investigator, or is only working to save himself and the other Swamp dwellers.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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