Swamp Dwellers continue threatening Trump

Good day all. It’s been about 24 hours since Paul Manafort was arrested by Robert Mueller. In that time, many pundits are commenting on what a “Nothingburger” without fries this indictment has turned out to be.

The charges against Manafort and Gates were for things that allegedly happened prior to Donald Trump deciding to run for office. They had nothing to do with the phony “Russian Collusion” garbage that the Democrats and RINO Never Trumpers have been harping about. This hasn’t stopped the deep diving swamp creatures of the Beltway from making demands and threats against President Trump if he should turn around and fire Robert Mueller. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and two other aides mark a new phase in his sprawling investigation into Russia and President Donald Trump. But the president’s supporters on Capitol Hill have said they want all the facts to come in first.

A new phase? What it’s showing is that Mueller and his merry band of Neo-KGB Thugs have gone totally off the reservation, and are now on a fishing expedition. However, this hasn’t stopped that slimy toad, Lindsey Graham from making threats if President Trump were to fire Mueller.

There “will be holy hell to pay” if Mueller is dismissed, Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News on Monday, unconcerned about rumblings of the ongoing threat Mueller poses to the president. He said there is zero evidence from the White House that Mueller’s investigation will be stopped or curtailed.

Now why would President Trump want to stop Mueller right now? Yes, he’s gone after Manafort, and there was this little nobody who pled out to lying to the FBI, but currently, the evidence trail isn’t pointing at the White House, it’s pointing at the Democrats and the Beltway Uniparty.

Asked to elaborate, Graham continued: “I’ve heard nothing from the White House to suggest that the president’s going to try to replace Mr. Mueller. Zero evidence from anybody I’ve talked to. It would be wrong to do so unless there were cause.”

Graham is an idiot. He’s probably looking at his last term in office. The only reason he’s there now is that the primary field in the last election was so crowded, people went with the weasel they knew. Next time, I have a feeling, especially if a large number of Uniparty types are tossed in 2018, that Graham will be looking for a job in a fabric store somewhere.

As to cause for firing Mueller? Oh there’s plenty. Right off the bat, he should never have been appointed due to his massive conflicts of interest. In the last 6 months, we’ve learned that the only “Collusion” that took place with the Russians was by Felonia von Pantsuit and the Obama regime. The Uranium One scandal is continuing to grow, and Mueller is finding himself being looked at for his role in burying the evidence of massive bribery.

People familiar with Trump’s thinking told The Associated Press the president has become increasingly concerned that the Mueller probe could be moving to an investigation into his personal dealings.

No politician should ever be afraid of the American legal system working its will,” Graham told Fox News about many of his colleagues’ refusal to comment on the case.

Said someone who’s never had an out of control Special Prosecutor running amuck. Mueller and company have already gone past their mandate. Still, if Mueller does continue “Following the money,” I suspect he’s going to shut down the investigation in the next few months.

Why you ask? Because Mueller and his minions haven’t found any evidence of “Collusion” by the Trump campaign. Why haven’t they found any? Because there was none. What we have learned is that the dossier that started this whole mess was bought and paid for by Felonia von Pantsuit’s campaign with added funding by the Democrat national Committee and Barack Obama.

Now if Robert Mueller and the others working for him truly honest, ethical people, it wouldn’t be President Trump who needed to be worried, it would be Felonia von Pantsuit, Bubba Horndog and Barack Obama. However, history has shown that Mueller and most of his people are about as honest and ethical as Al Capone.

It’s time for President Trump to order Attorney General Sessions to appoint an investigator to look into the handling of the Uranium One sale as well as the criminal investigations of the bribery and corruption of that sale. Of course, that’s the last thing the Swamp Dwellers want. Many of them would end up in the bullseye themselves.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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