Lois Lerner is still covering up

Good day all. Last week, former Internal Revenue Service Unit Director, Lois Lerner and her deputy in tyranny, Holly Paz asked that their testimony on their crimes be locked away FOREVER!

The reason they claim that they want this is that they are in fear of their lives if the information should become public. For those who have been living under a rock on Pluto, Lois Lerner used her authority as an IRS official to suppress the free speech rights of Tea Party groups and others.

For several years, the Obama Regime tried to bury this story, but once the Republicans gained control of Congress, they started looking into it. What came out should have put Lerner and others in prison for years. Instead, Lerner was allowed to “Retire” and keep her pension.

She and Paz were forced to testify in lawsuits, which the Tea Party groups eventually won, (Thanks to the election of President Trump. Felonia von Pantsuit would have had the plaintiffs meet “Mysterious” accidents), and now the various news agencies and blogs want to see what these two said under oath. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former IRS official Lois Lerner and her deputy are asking a federal court to keep their testimonies in the Tea Party targeting case private forever, over fear of death threats and potential harm to their families if the documents go public. Lerner and her deputy Holly Paz filed a motion last Thursday to keep the materials—including tapes and transcripts of their depositions—sealed due to threats they have received in the past.

Please! There is enough out there right now that if someone wanted to go after Lerner and the others in a criminal manner, they would already be six feet under. All these two want to do is bury the testimony because it makes them look even worse, if possible, then they already are. It might even force congress to look at a total overhaul of the Internal Revenue Service, something those thugs want to avoid at all costs.

Court documents, reviewed by Fox News, said the “public dissemination of their deposition testimony would expose them and their families to harassment and a credible risk of violence and physical harm.”

Whenever Ms. Lerner and Paz have been in the media spotlight, they have faced death threats and harassment,” the documents stated. “Returning Mss. Lerner and Paz to the media spotlight places them at risk, regardless of what they actually said in those depositions.”

The documents also stated that: “Public exposure will put innocent bystanders, namely Mss. Lerner’s and Paz’s family members (including young children), at risk, too.”

And that I don’t believe for one instant. Could people be angry enough to want to string Lerner and paz up from a lamp post? Sure, but the people these two need to worry about also believe in individual responsibility. Going after people who had nothing to do with Lerner’s criminal activities, let alone children, just isn’t going to happen. And, as I said previously, if anyone really wanted to murder these two, they could have done so a long time ago.

Lerner and Paz pointed to comments from Tea Party leader Mark Meckler that the lawsuit would “treat the IRS like the criminal thugs they are.” The court filing argued that his comments have created a “fertile environment where threats” against them have “flourished.”


I think what Mr. Meckler has in mind is indictments, arraignments, bail hearings, then trials. If convictions are obtained, then nice long prison sentences for Lerner and her cohorts in crime. Only in the minds of the truly guilty would they think that Mr. Meckler’s statement was a call to lynch these two.

Lerner and Paz’s attempt to keep them sealed comes after the Trump administration, after years of litigation, settled lawsuits with the Tea Party and other conservative groups who said they were unfairly targeted by the IRS under the Obama administration.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions last month announced the Justice Department had entered into settlements with the Tea Party groups whose tax-exempt status was significantly delayed by the IRS dating back to 2013, “based solely on their viewpoint or ideology.”

The settlements involved payments to the plaintiffs and an apology from the IRS.

The IRS’s use of these criteria as a basis for heightened scrutiny was wrong and should never have occurred,” Sessions said in a statement at the time. “It is improper for the IRS to single out groups for different treatment based on their names or ideological positions.”

Here’s what I think really frightens Lerner and her minions. These documents and other evidence will come out and show just how high up the orders came to crush the Tea Party groups. It might even reach into the Obama White House. It may not lead to Der Fubar directly, but it might ensnare Obama’s former handler for the Iranians, Valarie Jarrett.

Since President Trump wants to Drain the Swamp, arresting Jarrett as a co-conspirator and putting her on trial would be yet another nail in the coffin for the Progressive Democrats fantasies of regaining the congress and the White House. Just for that reason alone, the testimonies have to be released. Sunshine is the best disinfectant after all.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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