FusionGPS bought American Journalists

Good day all. The story of the “Trump Dossier” has grown messier and messier. Not for President Trump, but for the Democrats. The dossier, which the Democrats have used to show that the Trump Campaign stole the election from Felonia von Pantsuit, instead turned out to be paid for by…Felonia von Pantsuit’s campaign.

The company they hired to manufacture dirt on Donald Trump has turned out to be very shady themselves. They’ve been busy hiding evidence and refusing to testify to various congressional committees. Now we’re seeing why they’ve been so reticent. Information has come out that FusionGPS actually paid several “Journalists” to help them get Trump. Here are some of the details from the Washington Times:

Fusion GPS, the liberal opposition research firm that funded and distributed the anti-Trump dossier, has paid three journalists for work related to Congress’ Russia probe, according to court filings. Lawyers representing the House Intelligence Committee made the assertion in a bid to force Fusion to turn over additional bank transactions involving reporters, law firms and a media company.

A little background here. The various committees, after being stonewalled by FusionGPS, decided to go in a different direction. Instead of trying to force their people to testify, they went for their bank records instead. In other words, they “Followed the money.” That trail led to some very interesting people.

The committee seeks transactions related to three individual journalists,” stated the House general counsel court filing, “each of whom have reported on and/or been quoted in articles regarding topics related to the committee’s investigation.”

The journalists’ names are blacked out in the court filing. Documents list 10 House-demanded bank transactions from Fusion or its conduits to journalists.

I don’t know why the names have been blacked out. Probably something to do with the “Innocent until proven guilty” thing. I suspect those names will come out soon enough, and it will be yet one more nail in the coffin of the main stream media.

Fusion and the House at first worked out a deal for relevant banks records. But House lawyers say they learned that Fusion withheld 112 transactions pertinent to the probe.

The suspect transactions, House lawyers say, deal with two Russia issues. One is the dossier. The other is Fusion’s payments from another law firm, BakerHostetler. That money came from the Russian firm Prevezon Holdings, which is lobbying Washington to repeal a law that brought stiff economic sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime.

So, it isn’t President Trump who has been colluding with the Russians, but FusionGPS and the Democrats?

In addition, the committee wants transactions related to the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news website funded by GOP megadonor Paul Singer. The Beacon first hired Fusion in 2015 to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump, an anathema to many D.C. establishment Republicans.

I recall reading about that a month or so ago. The Democrats, led by the “Friends of Felonia” tried to use that as proof that they had nothing to do with FusionGPS and the infamous dossier.

The Free Beacon says the payments stopped in April 2016. Fusion then sought funds from the Democrats. After the DNC announced on June 14, 2016, that Russia had hacked its computer network, Fusion hired Mr. Steele to prove there was a Trump-Putin conspiracy.

As I understand it, the Washington Free Beacon has been cooperating fully with the committee. This is annoying to the Democrats who, hoping to “Get Trump!” are instead, getting all their dirty laundry dumped in front of the public. This is why FusionGPS is doing anything it can to stonewall the investigations.

The, (FusionGPS), attorneys asserted that Fusion enjoys “a First Amendment right to associate freely with clients and contractors on political and other matters and a First Amendment right to engage in those client activities when they further political and commercial speech.”

House attorneys argued Fusion has no such rights.

It is instead a profit-maximizing hired gun, selling its investigative services to the highest bidder,” they said. “[Fusion‘s] goal — to be highly compensated for its work — is not protected associational interest.”

As I understand this, FusionGPS is claiming they are protected by the 1st Amendment’s freedom fo speech and the press. My question is, “So What?” They aren’t being suppressed. What Congress is looking into is who paid fro the dossier, (Felonia von Pantsuit and the Democrats), and who did FusionGPS bribe pay to have it published.

Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, had Mr. Steele brief a number of liberal press in Washington during the election.

I wonder, did his “Briefings” begin with “Once upon a time…”?

The House court filings mentioned two who wrote stories on dossier dirt — Yahoo News and Mother Jones.

Yahoo News has become a complete joke in the last few years, much like Yahoo itself. Mother Jones is so far to the left, that they make the old Soviet version of Pravda look positively conservative in comparison.

Fusion’s specialty is seeding its opposition research into news stories, a modus operandi highlighted by a 2011 interview with co-founder Peter Fritsch,” the House attorneys said.

This sounds an awful lot like the old Russian doctrine called “Maskirovka.” Considering all the information coming out on just how tight FusionGPS is with the Russians, using their tactics against anyone who stood in the way of Felonia von Pantsuit’s coronation doesn’t surprise me.

However, the whole house of cards remaining standing was predicated on Felonia winning the election. Instead, she lost and President Trump was sworn in. Now, instead of burying all the evidence, and a few people, the true facts are coming out and it shows just how corrupt the Democrats are. We joked about “Felonia for Prison, 2016”, but now it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that a fair chunk of the Obama Regime, and perhaps a few “Journalists” might end up facing a jury?


~The Angry Webmaster~

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