Democrats want government shutdown

Good day all. Once again, the Federal government is running out of other people’s money and is looking at a possible shutdown. President Trump is working to get a budget in place, but he’s dealing with morons, petulant children and Democrats.

In this case, we have Senator UpChuck Schumer and San Fran Senile Pelosi. When President Trump ordered the shutdown of the blatantly illegal DACA program, (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), created by executive order by Obama, the Democrats flipped out…again. President Trump invited the house and senate leadership from both parties to the White House to work out a deal. Schumer and Pelosi, thinking they were going to garner political points, didn’t bother to show up. President Trump didn’t let that slow him down one bit. Here are the details from The Washington Times:

Democratic leaders ignited a new shutdown showdown in Washington on Tuesday after they refused to show for what was supposed to be a bipartisan meeting with President Trump, trying to cut him out of negotiations as Congress faces a long to-do list before year’s end.

And how did that work out for UpChuck and Senile Pelosi?

Their attempt to divide and conquer failed, though, after Republican leaders stuck by Mr. Trump and attended the meeting at the White House anyway, saying Democrats were recklessly risking a shutdown by refusing to talk to the country’s chief executive and the man who must sign whatever bills Congress eventually passes.

They’ve been all talk, they’ve been no action. Now it’s even worse; it’s not even talk,” Mr. Trump said.

Schumer and Pelosi, like all modern Democrats put party and politics ahead of everything else. The needs of the nation and the American people don’t even show up on their radar. They are also not that smart, and didn’t realize what they handed President Trump.

He, (President Trump), sat between two chairs left empty for Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer of New York and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democrats who skipped the meeting. The White House even provided nameplates to make sure it was clear who was refusing to negotiate.

As for the Rino wing of the Beltway Uniparty, McConnell and Ryno both showed up.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, said that in his decades of service under administrations of both parties, he had never refused an offer to meet the president.

Only one person in America can sign a bill into law, and that’s the president of the United States,” Mr. McConnell said. “I think the Democratic leaders in the House and Senate need to understand the way the government works. The administration has to be a part of the ultimate negotiation of what the spending level is going to be.”

As to why UpChuck and Senile couldn’t be bothered to show up, it seems that they had their “Feewings” hurt.

Democrats blamed Mr. Trump for upsetting them earlier in the day, after he posted on Twitter that he couldn’t accept the wish list Mr. Schumer and Mrs. Pelosi are seeking as Congress writes a 2018 spending bill.

When Mr. Trump said a deal might not be possible, the Democrats said they’d had enough Twitter abuse and were canceling the meeting. They begged Mr. McConnell and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Wisconsin Republican, to join them in direct negotiations without the president involved.

It’s time to stop tweeting and start leading,” Mr. Schumer said, insisting that congressional negotiators were close to a deal until Mr. Trump’s Twitter post derailed things.

The Democrats “Wish list” was their usual load of crap. Institute socialism, destroy the economy, subvert the law and constitution, and end America as a sovereign nation. As for the tweet that so offended these two?

The president’s tweets have repeatedly landed him in trouble, but Tuesday’s was tamer than many others. In it, Mr. Trump previewed the scheduled meeting with “Chuck and Nancy” but sounded grim about chances for an agreement.

“Problem is they want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes. I don’t see a deal!” he said.

This is what so offended Schumer and Pelosi?

Democrats said that was beyond the pale, and they backed their leaders’ decision to ditch the president.

The president reminded the American public that he has the capacity — by whipping off an ill-timed and ill-conceived tweet — to derail an otherwise important negotiating session,” said Sen. Christopher A. Coons, Delaware Democrat.

Talk about not getting it. There is a reason Donald Trump and not Felonia von Pantsuit is president of the United States. People have had enough of what the Ruling class has done to America, and they elected President Trump to fix things. Most of the Uniparty, especially the Progressive Liberal Democrat wing, refuse to accept this.

Now, the Democrats are threatening to shut down the government. There is one small problem with this. Although they will blame this on the Republicans and President Trump, it won’t work. Yes their minions in the Mostly Socialist Media will back their masters, most people have stopped paying any attention to them. There is also the problem that President Trump is NOT Barack Obama.

When Obama shut the government down, he did it in a way to inflict as much pain and suffering on the American people as he possibly could. President Trump won’t do that. He is going, if the government is shut down, to inflict as much pain and suffering on the Beltway Uniparty as he possibly can, while working to minimize the disruption to the American People.

If this shut down happens, and goes on for a while, the worst nightmare possible for the Democrats will occur. The American People will come to see that most of what the government does, isn’t actually needed. That is the last thing the Democrats want. Pity they aren’t smart enough to see the trap that is right in front of them.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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