Trump suggests suing ABC News

Good day all. Last week ABC News’s Brian Ross pulled a real boneheaded maneuver when he announced that Flynn was going to roll over on President Trump and say that as a candidate, Trump had him contact the Russians.

As I recently wrote, Brian Ross, now on a nice 4 week vacation without pay, was forced to retract the Fake News Story. Unfortunately, the damage was done and the Dow Jones dropped over 350 points on the news. It later recovered most of the losses, but a lot of investors were hurt thanks to the panic initiated by that retarded Leftard. Sunday, President Trump suggested that perhaps those investors should sue ABC for damages. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Trump argued Sunday that a recent story by ABC News reporter Brian Ross was so “false and dishonest” that it caused the stock market to drop 350 points and that investors who lost money as a result should sue the network for damages.

Now for some due diligence. I am in the markets and I did suffer some losses thanks to that scumbag loudmouthed moronic moonbat. Just so you know folks.

People who lost money when the Stock Market went down 350 points based on the False and Dishonest reporting of Brian Ross of @ABC News (he has been suspended), should consider hiring a lawyer and suing ABC for the damages this bad reporting has caused – many millions of dollars!” Trump tweeted.

The Dow Jones average on Friday morning indeed plunged by 350 points after Ross incorrectly reported that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was going to testify that Trump, as a presidential candidate, directed Flynn to contact Russian officials, amid federal investigations into whether Moscow and the Trump campaign colluded in the race.

Oh I like that dodge. Ross “Incorrectly reported.” I think another term for that is “Made the whole thing up!”

Trump, since his winning presidential campaign, has been critical of reporting by ABC and other major news gathering organizations, calling many of their stories “fake news.”

President Trump and others are finally calling out the Mostly Stupid Media for all the false, erroneous, and outright fraudulent stories they’ve been pushing since President Trump won the nomination. It’s one thing to make a mistake, that does happen. What we’ve been seeing isn’t mistakes, it’s enemy action.

As to suing the American Broadcasting Company and it’s parent company, Disney? While I would love to see it happen, it won’t. Honestly, I’m not sure that such a case wouldn’t be laughed out of court. Of course, filing such a lawsuit could force ABC to fire Ross and bring in people who actually do actual news gathering and reporting. Yeah, like that will ever happen.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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