ABC’s Brian Ross won’t be covering Trump

Good day all. Last week, Brian Ross was suspended for 4 weeks without pay for making up yet another story about President Trump. Now the other shoe has dropped. Brian Ross will no longer be covering anything regarding President Trump.

I wrote about Ross’s “Indiscretions” yesterday, and followed up with a post regarding President Trump’s suggestion that ABC be sued for damages by investors who took a hit, thanks to Ross’s fake news story. Well, it seems that ABC is running up the white flag. Brian Ross will no longer be allowed to cover President Trump in any way. Here are the details from The Hill:

ABC News won’t allow reporter Brian Ross to cover stories related to President Trump, a decision that comes after he delivered an inaccurate report on former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s guilty plea.

ABC News’s president tore into his staff on Monday and informed them of the decision about Ross, CNN reported.

Oh please! ABC finally got tired of being beaten about the head and shoulders by just about everyone. Their credibility, along with most of the Mostly Stupid Media is nonexistent. If ABC wants to rebuild their credibility, they’re basically going to have to fire everyone, starting with the President of the News division.

Ross initially reported on Friday that Flynn would testify that Trump directed him during the campaign to make contact with Russian officials. Stocks plunged shortly after the report was put out.

From unconfirmed information I’ve received, the stock exchanges have ABC News running on all their monitors and televisions. (I guess they needed real news not CNN’s normal brand of Fake News) When Ross’s story broke, the markets dropped over 300 points. As I recall, it closed down some 40 points for the day. Billions of dollars were lost because of that moron and his blind hatred of President Trump and anyone who is not a Progressive Liberal Democrat supporter of of the Great Mistake and Felonia von Pantsuit.

The network soon issued a “clarification,” saying that Trump had asked Flynn during the transition “to find ways to repair relations with Russia and other hot spots.”

Conservatives and members of the media criticized the network for not calling it a “correction.”

They couldn’t call it a correction. That would imply that they had made a mistake, and we all know that the MSM Never, Ever makes a mistake. They just occasionally, don’t report all the information because the dog ate it or something.

ABC’s president, James Goldston, said Monday that Ross went on air without anyone else reviewing his information, according to CNN. The network is reviewing the error and its aftermath.

“I don’t even know how many times we’ve talked about this, how many times we have talked about the need to get it right,” Goldston reportedly said. “That how we have to be right and not first.”

Brian Ross claimed that he had an “Unimpeachable, Anonymous” source that told him that they had finally “Gotten Trump!!” This is the problem with these so called “Anonymous” sources. There is no way for anyone else to know anything about them. In this case, if there was even a real source, the information was dead wrong, and Ross is so biased, that he didn’t even try to find out if the information was accurate. Now he’s paying the piper.

He’s out 4 weeks pay, and at his level, that’s a lot of money, and now he’s been told he will no longer be allowed to say anything regarding President Trump. Honestly, he should have been fired for what he did. Since he wasn’t, regardless of what the President of ABC News says, they aren’t really serious about restoring their credibility. Just like CNN, ABC is just another Fake News generating propaganda organ for the Progressive Liberal Democrats.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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