GOP Packing the courts…for a change

Good day all. Once again, we’re seeing that elections have consequences. During the previous administration, we watched Obama, with the assistance of Dingy Harry Reid, pack the courts with manifestly unqualified judges.

When the Republicans woke up and actually started looking at just how bad these people were, they started blocking their nominations. Dingy Harry’s answer was to use what became known as the “Nuclear Option” and ended the filibuster against judges. We then watched Dingy Harry and King Putt pack the Washington D.C. District court with doctrinaire party hacks who were put there to protect Obama’s legacy.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, they forgot that the United States is a Republican Democracy and the voters decided they had finally had enough of the black robed judicial tyrants put in place by the Democrats and the others in the Beltway Uniparty. Control of the Senate was switched back to the Republicans, and in November, 2016, Donald J. Trump was elected President.

One major consequence was Der Fubar’s choice to replace the late Antonin Scalia, who died suddenly. Obama picked Merrick B Garland to replace Scalia. People started looking at Garland and realized that he and the Constitution had never actually met. Senate Majority Leader, Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell actually did something right and kept Garland’s nomination bottled up during the election.

When President Trump was sworn in, he appointed Neil Gorsuch to replace Justice Scalia. Gorsuch actually reads the constitution and has been considered even better then the late justice Scalia. It hasn’t ended there either. President Trump has been filling as many open seats in the federal as he can, and his choices seem to have one big thing in common. They read and believe in the Constitution of the United States.

Now the Progressives are finally figuring out that the Republicans, led by President Trump, fully intend to “Pack the Courts” with judges who will uphold the Constitution and the Rule of law. To say they are in a panic is an understatement. Here’s what the Progressive Propaganda sheet, the Washington (Com)Post has to say:

Conservatives have a new court-packing plan, and in the spirit of the holiday, it’s a turducken of a scheme: a regulatory rollback hidden inside a civil rights reversal stuffed into a Trumpification of the courts.

If conservatives get their way, President Trump will add twice as many lifetime members to the federal judiciary in the next 12 months (650) as Barack Obama named in eight years (325). American law will never be the same.

And thank GOD for that! For the last century plus, we have seen the Progressives, Liberals and Statists using the courts to end the constitution by judicial fiat. Ever since the founding of this country, the courts have been usurping powers they were never entitled to, and in many cases, legislating from the bench. For the Progressives on both sides of the aisle, this was just fine and dandy. For the average individual American, it was tyranny.

The “outer turkey” in the plan is the ongoing Trumpification of the courts.

Notice the veiled insult? The (Com)Post refers to the judges Trump is appointing as the “Trumpification” of the courts. Of course, the Compost had no problem with the Statist judges appointed by Obama, and in a few cases, Bush.

In the final two years of Obama’s presidency, Senate Republicans engaged in tenacious obstruction to leave as many judicial vacancies unfilled as possible. The Garland-to-Gorsuch Supreme Court switch is the most visible example of this tactic but far from the only one: Due to GOP obstruction, “the number of [judicial] vacancies .?.?. on the table when [Trump] was sworn in was unprecedented,” White House Counsel Donald McGahn recently boasted to the conservative Federalist Society.

Good! When President Trump was running, he came up with a list of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. He also has a list for the lower courts as well. These people generally have one thing in common. They understand that the Constitution was meant to restrict the Federal Government, not grant them ever increasing power. This is rather upsetting to the Washington Compost, particularly the average age of President Trump’s nominees.

Trump is wasting no time in filling the 103 judicial vacancies he inherited.

Just how fast is President Trump moving? Compare his nominations to those of The Great Mistake.

In the first nine months of Obama’s tenure, he nominated 20 judges to the federal trial and appellate courts; in Trump’s first nine months, he named 58.

One problem with Obama’s selections is that his first priority was finding people who would issue rulings that backed the Progressive agenda regardless of their constitutionality. President Trump has a large list of people and they intend to uphold the constitution, not repeal it by Progressive Judicial Fiat. The Republican controlled Senate is not wasting any time either.

Senate Republicans are racing these nominees through confirmation; last week, breaking a 100-year-old tradition, they eliminated the “blue slip” rule that allowed home-state senators to object to particularly problematic nominees.

The ending of the Blue Slip and the filibustering of judicial nominees by the opposition party can be laid directly at the feet of the Democrats. Dingy Harry Reid, frustrated with the Republicans for blocking his and Obama’s attempts to pack the court with Progressives, nuked the filibuster. He believed that the Democrats would never lose control and that the Republicans would never do what he did. He was wrong.

The rush to Trumpify the judiciary includes nominees rated unqualified by the American Bar Association, nominees with outrageously conservative views and nominees significantly younger (and, therefore, likely to serve longer) than those of previous presidents.

The ABA is a hard left Progressive organization that has been pretty much discredited. They consider anyone who doesn’t follow the Progressive Liberal view of the Constitution, (That it means nothing if it gets in the way of Progressive Totaltarianism), to be unqualified. Now, only the Progressives pay any attention to them.

As a result, by sometime next year, 1 in 8?cases filed in federal court will be heard by a judge picked by Trump. Many of these judges will likely still be serving in 2050.

Gee, it really sucks to be a liberal doesn’t it? Now you won’t have the courts to ram your agenda down the throats of an unwilling America.

Enter the next element of the court-packing turducken: a new plan written by the crafty co-founder of the Federalist Society, Steven Calabresi. In a paper that deserves credit for its transparency (it features a section titled “Undoing President Barack Obama’s Judicial Legacy”), Calabresi proposes to pack the federal courts with a “minimum” of 260 — and possibly as many as 447 — newly created judicial positions. Under this plan, the 228-year-old federal judiciary would increase — in a single year — by 30 to 50 percent.

Yeah, that might be a bit much. Unless there is an actual need due to work load, I don’t think that might be all that good an idea, and it will backfire when the pendulum swings and the Communists Progressive Democrats take over again.

Calabresi has also proposed that Congress abolish 158 administrative law judgeships in federal regulatory agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Securities and Exchange Commission, and replace these impartial fact-finders with a new corps of 158 Trump-selected judges who — unlike current administrative law judges — would serve for life.

There is already a case coming to the Supreme Court regarding those phony baloney “Administrative Judges.” There is a fair chance that they will be declared unconstitutional. If that happens, then all those cases brought before them will basically be trashed. Since the Progressives love the regulatory state, and put their people into these fake judgeships, putting real judges in there, men and women who believe in the Constitution will probably gut the various regulatory agencies such as the SEC and EPA.

And if this breathtaking transformation of our federal judicial system isn’t jarring enough, Calabresi has one final treat: a proposal that Congress do all of this in the tax-cut bill that Congress is trying to pass before it leaves for the holidays.

And a Merry Christmas to you too Washington Compost.

Progressives need to mount a more cohesive and effective plan to slow down the Trump train of judicial transformation. Otherwise, we’ll have a court-packing turducken for Thanksgiving, and a revolutionary rollback in rights and regulation for Christmas.

And the problem with this is, what? Oh, that’s right, I forgot. The Washington Compost, like all true progressive organizations, despises everything that Made America Great in the first place. They would rather have a Eurotrash style of government. Rule by the Elite with no say in how things should be run by the average person.

Well guess what? Your final swing at the ball was in 2010 when the Progressives controlled both houses of Congress and the White House. What did you do with that? You whiffled and spent a year shoving Obamacare down people’s throats. After that, the tide turned and the Democrats were shown the door. Granted, the GOP(e) hasn’t gotten the message yet, but they will in 2018.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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