CNN does it again part infinity

Good day all. Once again, the Corrupt News Network has firmly and forcefully inserted their collectivist cranium swiftly and firmly into their alimentary canal. (Translation, they shoved their heads up their asses)

CNN, which drank deeply from the “Get Trump!” fountain, breathlessly announced that they now had PROOF that Donald Trump Jr. had been colluding with the Russians. In this case, they screeched like the harpies they are that Trump Jr. had been in communications with Wikileaks and had been given access to the Felonia Files before everyone else. The problem? It seems that no one at CNN can read a calendar. Here are the details of their latest screw-up from The Daily Caller:

CNN misreported key details of an offer made to Donald Trump Jr. last year of a batch of stolen Wikileaks documents. The story, which CNN published on Friday and covered extensively on TV, was touted as the first evidence that the Trump campaign was given a heads-up about documents stolen from Democrats.

But the story appears to have been riddled with errors, while also lacking key context.

So, CNN was operating in their usual manner then?

Perhaps the most jarring error in the CNN report is the date on which Trump Jr. was sent the email. The network reported that a person named Mike Erickson emailed Trump Jr. and others on the Trump campaign on Sept. 4, 2016, with a link to Wikileaks documents as well as a decryption key to access them.

The email also offered access to emails that had been stolen from former Sec. of State Colin Powell, according to CNN.

And why would the Trump campaign care about former Secretary of State Powell’s email? These days, for all intents and purposes, General Powell is a nonentity politically speaking. But “This…Is CNN” so it matters to them for the purposes of “Get Trump!” So what was the problem with the story?

But a copy of the email provided to The Daily Caller shows that Erickson sent the email on Sept. 14. That date is significant because WikiLeaks had released a batch of stolen documents on Sept. 13. The group touted its release of the DNC documents, which were published by Guccifer 2.0.

The email shows that Erickson messaged Trump Jr. stating that “Wikileaks has uploaded another (huge 678 mb) archive of files from the DNC.”

It is too big for me to send you by e-mail attachments, but you can download it yourselves,” he added, providing a link to the same website cited by Wikileaks the day before. He also included a link to a decryption key that could be used to access the documents.

So, the “Greatest Cable News provider in the History of..Ever” couldn’t be bothered to actually research when Wikileaks released the documents and when the information was actually sent to the Trump campaign?

How CNN got its report so wrong is unclear.

Oh I think we know.

The article states that its information was based on a read-out of the Trump Jr. email provided by multiple sources, none of who are identified.

Ahh yes, once again, the infamous “Anonymous Sources” provided information to the Corrupt News Network…anonymously.

Trump Jr.’s lawyer, Alan Futerfas, speculated on Friday that the source was on the Democratic side of the House Intelligence Committee, which interviewed Trump Jr. earlier this week.

So, who is this Erickson guy anyway?

Erickson also appears not to be a super-secret Kremlin agent. The Post identified him as the president of an aviation management company.

So, he’s just a hard working Trump supporter who thought he could help out with a little opposition research? He must have been very close to the Trump campaign.

Futerfas, the lawyer for Trump Jr., said that the real estate executive received “tons of unsolicited emails” during the campaign.

The email was never read or responded to — and the House Intelligence Committee knows this,” he said in a statement.

And I think we can safely say that the Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have never been ones to let things like “The facts” interfere with their plans to “Get Trump at ALL COSTS!!”

This email arrived after published media reports disclosed 12 hours earlier that hacked documents had been posted. The suggestion that this information was not public is false.”

Needless to say, Attorney Futerfas is not happy with how the Intelligence committee is protecting information.

It is profoundly disappointing that members of the House Intelligence Committee would deliberately leak a document, with the misleading suggestion that the information was not public, when they know that there is not a scintilla of evidence that Mr. Trump Jr. read or responded to the email,” he said.

How polite of Mr. Futerfas not to flat out accuse the Democrats on the committee of being the ones who leaked this information. Still, while the Democrats on the committee are utterly and totally corrupt, that isn’t the story here.

The story is CNN’s utter incompetence. If they had actually spent a few minutes reviewing every detail, which is what reporters and editors are supposed to do, this story would have been tossed straight into the bit bucket. Instead, CNN, failing to learn from their previous mistakes, as well as other news providers screw-ups, went full steam ahead, straight into the iceberg. And they wonder why no one believes them anymore.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to CNN does it again part infinity

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    The Leftards Dictionary™ definition.
    Anonymous Sources: noun Some bullshit we made up.

    • CNN refuses to name the source, claiming that they believe the source made “An honest mistake.” In all probability, the source(s) were Democrat staffer(s) on the Intelligence committee, and would show that CNN is nothing more then a mouthpiece for the Democrat party. (As if we didn’t already know that)


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